Tag: Hardsid4U

  • HardSID4u Sale

    The legendary sound, on crazy sale

    If you’ve been holding off getting an hardsid, now might be the time:

    Order your HardSID 4U Studio Edition now and save 100 EUR:

    * * Four SID chips for FREE (you save 60 EUR on it)

    * * Power Supply for FREE (you save 15 EUR on it)

    * * USB Cable for FREE (you save 10 EUR on it)

    * * Shipping for FREE (you save 15 EUR on it)

    * = 399 EUR instead of 499 EUR (YOU SAVE 100 EUR!)

    via HardSID – Ordering your HardSID.

  • C64 Jukebox online!

    I thought this was a very cool idea which I hope gets bigger! It’s like a last.fm scrobbler for SID music:

    There is a new community driven C64 Jukebox on Twitter
    Are you curious what other SID fans are listening to right now?
    Do you want to play those tunes with one single click?

    Follow the C64 Jukebox on Twitter:

    Play button clicks on http://web.archive.org/web/20140208082456/http://www.hardsid.com/ , ACID64 and the HardSID 4U Winamp plugin are all feeding this jukebox. It sends a .sid file link with each update, so you can play right from Twitter.

    Not for HardSID users only – anyone can use it even with emulation

    Initial idea: Wilfred Bos, https://www.acid64.com/
    Final concept/development: http://web.archive.org/web/20140208082456/http://www.hardsid.com/

    via C64 .sk.

    Check Peter’s post about ACID64, with more info regarding the player, clicking here!

  • Hardsid4u Winamp Plugin Appeared

    [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/FTnSEUxYkm0" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    The Hardsid Team has released a new method for Playing sid files using the hardsid4u hardware. Details:

    * Seek in .sid files on cycle-accurate SID hardware!
    * Remote-control your SID files using an IR remote controller! (free plugin
    * Enjoy the benefits of Winamp playlists! (+song-length support)
    * Put sub-songs on your playlists! (not just that annoying default-song)
    * Build interesting community SID listening stats published at


    Download the plugin from:

    Powered by the ACID64 core:

  • Best Hardware

    The majority of the chip community are able to do what they do by standing on the shoulders of giants. These tech wizards design hardware modifications that allow integration with modern equipment, allow them to play their compositions on actual hardware, and make the arcane and some times obtuse world of technology more immediate and useful.

    Your nominees are:

    Powerpak – Retrozones little cart that could is quickly becoming the lifeblood of NES/Famicom development. With support for various mappers, and now the ability to easily play NSF music files and support various expansion chips, many artists can now record songs off real hardware that but a few months ago where merely dreams. If 2009 finds a flood of NES related output, it will surely be in no small thanks to the Powerpak.

    – By building a better mouse trap, Trash80 has created a great piece of hardware that is easy for the novice to build, yet provides a great way to interface your gameboy into a modern studio. Furthermore, mGB gives another option for the midi studio nerds who are looking to capture the true chip sound.

    MSSIAH – Similarly to the MGB, MSSIAH improves over existing software and makes it easier out of the box to integrate the awesome power of the SID chip with modern equipment. Tightly integrated with its software, and easily interchangeable with various models of c64 hardware, this is an elegant solution to a complicated need for getting your SID sounds into your existing work flow.

    Little-Scale – Perhaps more so than any hardware developer, Australia’s Little-Scale has been consistently blowing away the community with his projects for Atari, Sega, Nintendo and more. His thirst for innovation is often matched by his clean, detailed documentation process and his ability to explain things in a simple yet evocative manner belies the complexities of his achievements.

    Hardsid4U – If you must fake it, nothing beats using the actual chip, and no solution gives you more options to do so than the Hardsid4u. You are equally able to compose in a midi sequencer using the VST, in a windows program like Goattracker, in a traditional tracker using a Hardsid4u enabled Emulator, or simply enjoy SID files using a copy of Winamp. Along with its slightly more future proof usb interface, this is Perhaps the greatest combination of power, usability, and sound quality in its field, Hardsid4u is made with high standards and its developers provide top notch support.