Sid Player for the Iphone


[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Im impressed.


8 responses to “Sid Player for the Iphone”

  1. Why impressed? The iPhone is a pretty powerful machine, so no wonder it can have a SID player.
    Now you can have the HVSC on the go easily :D

    I wonder, thoguh, if it supports the HVSC Songlength Database…

    Also, I’d have to analyze deeply the sound emulation. These tunes are nothing to guide oneself with. Who gives me an iPhone? :P

  2. Someone told me it uses reSid, which is OKAAAAAAY. Anyone know the tech specs?

    And when is something adding a keyboard playalong mode??

  3. Kai

    It uses libsidplay2/reSID for the emulation. The iPhone is at it’s limit emulating the chips.
    The Songlength datase is supported! It’s a great tool.

  4. Hey kai-

    Thanks fo the reply.. so no muting a channel and allowing a user to play along using the instrument settings for their favorite sid?


  5. Kai

    Muting a channel ist possible in Sid Player Pro (3GS only) – what do you mean with instrument settings?

    1. How i was just wishing that you could mute a channel, whip out the virtual keyboard and play along your own melody using the instrument settings.. its really just a fantasy…

  6. boomlinde

    I wonder if he’s using the super-realistic version of reSID that’s used in VICE (Antti Lankila made it?) or just good old reSID… I can tell you that the patched reSID is really really good! I wouldn’t know the difference between it and a real 8580 if it wasn’t for the bus noise it emits.

  7. Kai

    Sid Player on the iPhone uses the same reSid emulation, SidPlay on the Mac does. I think the sound quality is very, yery good!