PSPSeq Tutorials Online, Complete

icon0-largeEthan has uploaded the last of his extremely throughout PSPSeq tutorial videos. He writes:

Hey everyone, I just finished uploading and annotating the last 5
tutorial videos.  You can watch all of them here:

I’ll also be putting them up on my webpage in 480×272 format for
playing directly on the PSP but they’re not there yet.  Once they are
you can grab them here:

I’ll be adding a few more over time; probably one just playing some of
the demo songs to show what the program can do, another where I’ll try
and quickly compose something neat in < 10 minutes, and a few that
will cover tips and tricks for using the program.

The program is very deep, but with great power comes great complexity. Well worth viewing!


One response to “PSPSeq Tutorials Online, Complete”

  1. Ethan (the other one)

    Shit, there’s another Ethan in the scene? Fucking biters!
