Little Scale on: All 4-bit waveforms with 512 samples

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I wrote a patch that will generate and then play all possible 4-bit waveforms that have 512 samples. After a little refinement, I plan to leave the patch running for an extended period of time.



4 responses to “Little Scale on: All 4-bit waveforms with 512 samples”



  2. lol okay so lets say that it was only 3 bit instead of four and only 32 samples instead of 512.

    this means that there are 8 ^ 32 possibilities.

    if we are playing it back at 1000 Hz, and change the waveform after listening to each one ONLY ONCE, it will still take 25,192,104,990,000,000 centuries to play back.

    (i think my maths is right here… -_-)

  3. So for a fun little math challenge, how many distinct waveforms will be generated that aren’t a copy of another waveform at a different frequency or phase?

    For example, if it was only one bit, 8-sample waveforms:
    01010101 = 00110011 = 00001111…. those are really the same waveform, but each is half the frequency of the one before it.

    Then keep in mind 00011110 is just 00001111 with a phase offset, so it’s not really a distinct waveform from that set either.

    Just some food for thought :)