EtherNES Might Appear

bOOdaw writes:

EtherNES is a NES networking project that Wookie is currently designing the schematics and working with the NESdev community to connect your NES to your LAN.  Fortunately a solution has been found for the difficult male expansion connector at the bottom of the NES.  A female connector has been found to work from the company Sullins Connectors (more information within the thread).

Some of the current development application ideas for EtherNES once completed:

* Synching NESes together for audio playback
* Launching remote code
* A MIDINES alternative
* A text-based web browser…
* Etc…

Serial Communication + Powerpak might be a great dev enviroment, think compiling your song and sending it directly to hardware! Or the midi alternative would be cool as well, Will keep an eye on things.


6 responses to “EtherNES Might Appear”

  1. egr

    * Launching remote code
    * A MIDINES alternative

    Those two items sound fantastic.

  2. Does no-one else think this could potentially be incredible?

  3. B00daW

    NESdevvers are really mixed on it… Since the ethernet controller is actually more powerful than the NES itself.

  4. From what I understand, the network hardware is way easier than actually coding the network stack. We’ll see.

  5. Wowo A dream come true! I once had a legit dream that people could play nes on the internet. now i just jizzed my pant……’o’s

  6. I know this is pretty old, but I’ve revived the project. I’ve built two functional NES-RS232 adapters and used a PC to proxy traffic between the NES and an IP host as a demo. An actual embedded ethernet adapter is in the works.