May Pulsewave Rom

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]Click here to download in NES format


The beautiful artwork was done by Enso!
The amazing arrangement of It Might As Well Be Spring was done by Animal Style! Download the NSF by clicking here!
The Red Bull fueled code was done by me!


4 responses to “May Pulsewave Rom”

  1. Question to Enso!
    Why an orange/brown palette, typically related to autumn, on spring themed graphics? I really fought my psyche to believe it was spring, easiest pic being the one with the flowers.

  2. I love it! Great pictures (I like the brown palette, and had no problems seeing it was spring/summer. It’s just like old photographs), and great music. Props to NOCARRIER for putting it together as well.

  3. Very nice. :)
    Good job on this, the music and pictures really get you in the right mood. Probably my favorite Pulsewave rom so far.

  4. Random’s got it right, we were shooting for a NES game intro/ old photo type feel. Check out the intro to Crash n’ the Boys: Street Challenge, which serves as the primary inspiration for this. Glad you guys enjoy it!