This is a little chiptune composing tool that uses klystron. It is comparable to AHX on the Amiga.
The synth and player routines are designed for creating C64 style music and sound effects to be used in games using the klystron game engine.
Alternatively, the routines can be easily separated from the engine and used with any sound library that gives direct access to the output wave buffer. This makes klystrack (and the audio side of klystron) a useful sound tool for retro-styled games.
4 responses to “klystrack appeared!”
I’m enjoying this little program.
But, now I noticed I can’t save and load. It crashes. :/
ooops, my fault, i downloaded a buggy version, probably. Now working fine. My impressions are the best, this program is simple and good to use. It supports multiple tracks, which is great for making busy c64ish songs and you’re not the best trackist. I enjoyed the instrument section, which is pretty simple to use, anyone with minimum knowledge of pwm and commands can create those distinctive c64 basses. It runs perfectly in my pc, which is not the best. I’m just getting beat by creating drums (kicks and snares) but that will come with pratice.
Just a quick spam: I released klystrack 1.4 a week ago and it can import AHX modules, which I think have some pretty cool drums ripe for ripping. It should be better in other ways, too.