- RT @littlescale USB MIDI Game Boy Sync for $16 http://t.co/L4RGWOy #
- [CSDb] – Sidplay64 v0.7 by SHAPE (2011) – #
- How To make a Chiptune Lead with Native Instruments Massive http://t.co/Y9BbS4s #
- Kawaiian Punch!: Chiptune music makes it ok to rock out to NES sounds again http://t.co/ZXXg3II #
- Failotron about chiptune and his new project | Electronic Beats http://t.co/D4zNbHj #
- Pixelh8's MicroSynth now on Android Market http://t.co/xxZJrt7 #
- Check out the rad pics of the awards and winners! RT @chiptography: Photos from The 2010 TCTD Awards are posted! chiptography.com/?p=550 #
- Mr. Gil Galad has posted a bunch of NES Music Sourcecodes from actual games to romhacking.org http://t.co/wr9urKk #
One response to “TCTD Links for 2011-08-30”
Hey- thanks for finding my Chiptune piece good enough to publish in your news section :) I had to keep it fairly high-level for my readers who had no idea what chiptune is, but I’m hoping to turn a good number of them onto some of the indie stuff out there.