- netwaves: 8bitpeoples anthology | netwaves http://ow.ly/2UtEo #
- facundo – sex beard http://ow.ly/2UtOk #
- Exercises in controversial theses: Chiptune isn’t just for Gameboys anymore #
- [CSDb] – Tack ska ni ha by Fredrik (2010) http://ow.ly/2UtII #
- GOTO8O » V/A: The Cutest Party (Bleeding Panda MP3) http://ow.ly/2UtYJ #
Author: Peter Swimm
TCTD Links for 2010-10-16
TCTD Links for 2010-10-14
- Super Metroid’s music, in the style of the Sega Genesis – Tiny Cartridge http://ow.ly/2TrAu #
- RT @_Starpilot_:’s new chiptune album: Noise Annoys…..available only on Bitmasters: http://www.bitmasters-netlabel.com/ ? #
- RT @gamesenior: Nullbits 2.0: http://t.co/w0m81Ak Nullbits é a primeira festa no Brasil a se especializar nesse estilo musical – chipmusic #
- RT @rophon: [??????] ?????? FMPSG014 -Mystic aurora- Chiptune #nicovideo #sm12429830 http://t.co/E2ds3nL http://youtu.be/obT2g0cgeyw #
- RT @gozombierecords: We still need more songs for the chiptune compilation! http://gozombie.c8.com #
TCTD Links for 2010-10-13
- Plogue chipsounds running on VMachine Hardware http://ow.ly/2SzBI #
- MAGIC HAMMER – THVNDERCHASE – Featuring all the songs from Bit Shifter’s Information Chase. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! #
- Domotic – I Hate You Forever http://ow.ly/2SOUc #
- GB-HUMMING updated #
- RT @StarscreamNY: Posted a song I wrote that corrupted over at http://starscreamband.tumblr.com/ | Debating trying to revive it ! #
- RT @8GB_: Candie Hank – The Man hates Pants Booty Bounce Mix Vol.2 by Catani on #SoundCloud #
- RT @Radiograffiti: Vote on the album art for the next #Radiograffiti 7″! http://bit.ly/cz0ZiA A winner will also receive all prev RG 7″s! #
- Android Game: Hyperactive Ninja – NES Style Platformer with music by Bright Primate, Comptroller and Nestrogen http://ow.ly/2SZ6n #
- How old is 8bitpeoples? – True Knowledge http://ow.ly/2SZQq #
- Chiptunes: Reformating the Planet screening at Harris County Public Library #
- Rhizome Code Eroded: At GLI.TC/H http://ow.ly/2T2Sd #
- chipsounds updated to 1.501! http://ow.ly/2T4Uz #
- Indie Video Arcade Pops Up in Midtown Manhattan – Pretty Tangential to chip scene stuff but still pretty cool http://ow.ly/2T57Z #
- Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch RELEASED! http://ow.ly/2T9hW #
- RT @_lemon: while I sort out the weird soundcloud issue – you can hear the 1bit ZX beeptastic fun here: http://bit.ly/bPzVc9 :) \o_ #
- RT @_lemon: @TCTD http://ne7.untergrund.net/TCTD.TXT \o/ here have an early happy birthday present :) #
10/16/2010 is TCTD’s Birthday Part I
Data-mining time. Here is a list of every tag in the TCTD database:
(alt)Bro .nsf .sid .zx .s3m .xm .mod .it .sylCMYK 1-bit music 2A032playerproductions2pp 2zAA 3P1L3T1C F1T4mat 4th dimension 8-bit8-Bit Operators 8-bit Prophet 8-bit South Africa8BC 8bit 8bit.fm 8bit alliance 8bit betty 8bit Brothers 8bitbubsy8BITches 8bitcollective8Bitone 8bit operators8bitoperators8bitpeoples8BITSF 8bittoday8bitweapon 8gb 8moon8Static 10k 11hzrobot32×32 56kbs 170 486 5056502 6955 ???
Man I need to clean some of this up. More after the jump.
Beepola updated to 1.06
Beepola, a Windows cross-tracker with multiple 1-bit sound engines from ZX Spectrum, has been updated to v1.06. This time there are just few fixes, however some more sound functionality was added too.
Download Beepola v1.06 (825K)
– Fixed compatibility with WINE (caused by differences between the way WINE handles waveOut API compared to Windows). This was inadvertently broken in versions 1.03.00 – v1.05.03.
– Improved sound reproduction and timing.
– Added ROMBeep engine as a compile-time only option (see the Beeper Engine dropdown list in the Compile dialog). This is a compact, pseudo 2 channel engine using arpeggios and the BEEP routine from the Spectrum ROM. It will therefore work correctly on 16K Spectrums or in low, contended, memory on other models.via 1-bit music news –.