- MIDINES editor for Ableton Live mirror: http://chipmusic.org/forums/post/10466/#p10466 #
- noerror.scene.org RIP – http://noerror.scene.org/ #
Author: Peter Swimm
TCTD Quicklinks for 2010-02-12
Goto80 – Open Funk Sores
New goto80 browser-based MOD musicdisk with raquelmyers visuals uses PortaMod for Processing by syphus.
TCTD Quicklinks for 2010-02-11
- Shruti-1 now shipping beta kits: #
- Hilarious Wiki reasons for Deletion of LSDJ page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/LSDJ #
- NTRQ Site launched: http://blog.ntrq.net/ #
- Eggz rocked the TCTD open mic, hope its rescheduled soon RT @SantosPartyHaus Mr Eggz is no longer playing 2/13, see Santos for a new date! #
Love Songs From The Future
The Mayor of Beep City was on his last legs, as was his once-proud metropolis, now littered with invading ninja. All weapons had been used twice-over, all ammo depleted. The butts of guns and the hilts of worn blades the only remaining resistance. That is… until they opened the vault.
- 01. Warm Green Something (Bit Rat)
- 02. Battle For Bifrost (Daemon9623)
- 03. Nicole Shippo (Alex Mauer)
- 04. The Tale of A Pirate (Nario)
- 05. Honey Hive (Moldilox)
- 06. Infernal Shell (Temp Sound Solutions)
- 07. Never To Return (Norrin Radd)
- 08. Kludge (Captain Tortilla)
- 09. Flight of The Peacock Lords (Prizmatic Spray)
- 10. Air Raid The Ocean (Zio and TEH LOLZ)
- 11. Sputnik (Wizwars)
- 12. Jungle Jim’s Jellybean Jamboree (Djinnocide)
via Beep City
TCTD Quicklinks for 2010-02-10
- Interview with Bleepstreet label head: #
- New podcast youtube with @tctd @littlescale @virtjk and his band Smash Brothers and @dualcoremusic check it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZpJLVpligc #
- RT: @Nullsleep: Call for donations. Short-term goal: flight down to SXSW. Long-term goal:transition to full-time musician http://j.mp/bmkqhl #
- RT: @parisgraphics: i'm seriously digging the pixel art goodness via grafx2 http://code.google.com/p/grafx2/ #
- DemoScene related blogs: http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=7158 #