- Rosa Menkman, Cracked Crack Intro to the Glitch Studies Manifesto, 2010, modified C64 software. – http://tinyurl.com/yf4taj3 #
- covox: Ok, new try! WAVE EP out in japanese stores now! Download remix kits here: http://www.covox.net/wave/ #
- littlegptracker: new win ghetto: note delay, groove in tables, IRTG, Clone bug fix -> https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=320141508501&id=83974478283 #
- Keygen music updated for January: http://keygenmusic.net/?page=news #
- SynthGBA synth project appeared: http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.php?t=16948 #
- Mario Coin Sounds Dissected: http://nesdev.parodius.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?t=5937 Please do not use this in actual music. #
- Animal Style killing it at the TCTD gala: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JErISRGh5I&feature=autofb #
- And Oxygenstar too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Nf2PVzrCDc #
- Akira’s 48 pixel challenge graffito tag: http://chipmusic.org/forums/post/8200/#p8200 #
- RT: @garrylee: A new flash cart for Game Boy, the Infinity Cart! http://nonelectronics.com/infinitycart.php #
- Oh Bung how I miss you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs2iN1U2HVE #
- RT: @blipfestival: Official Blip photog Marjorie Becker posted stunning artist portraits: #blip09 #
- James Kochalka Superstar Live at the TCTD awards: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqXmDn-JjFs #
- Golden Eagle too (my favorite): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1gxXQV9IKo #
- Little Baby Kitten: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mjw9Bz0vTOc #
- And an interview! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExzmyXwF1Mg #
Author: Peter Swimm
TCTD Twitter Posts for 2010-02-01
Nintendo Synthesizer Cartridge
More info over at heavyw8bit
TCTD Twitter Posts for 2010-01-31
- Cracktro Invite for i/0 Party http://vimeo.com/8960747 #
- RT: @ZenAlbatross: Final act for @TCTD awards: @animalstyle! — http://twitpic.com/10mrcr #
- Hey guys, pawel is back: http://xltronic.com/mb/112269/-1st-real-8-bit-album-of-2010 #
- 8bitoday on the Amiga Ascii Revival: http://www.8bittoday.com/articles/36/amiga-ascii-revival #
The 2009 TCTD Awards Winners!
Last night’s awards gala was one of the best musical experiences of my life. I’d like to publicly thank the entire TCTD staff for help and consul during the selection process, NBscloset for furnishing such amazing awards, No Carrier, Oxygenstar, and Glomag for running a top notch production, the readers for providing valuable input, and the nominees for creating such wonderful things, which makes this site worthwhile for me to do.
On a personal note, it was very difficult selecting the nominees we ended up selecting, and I hope anyone left out does not feel slighted, as very many awesome people just barely missed the cut. To read all the winners please visit the updated awards page:
And see you guys next year (maybe…)
little-scale: Office Yoga Made Easy
Office yoga made easy; hypnosis for the modern age. Music for SEGA Nomad and Atari 2600. Cure yourself with electricity.
Track listing:
1. We Are Eating Our Children
2. Four-Wheel Drive Advertisement
3. Plus One
4. Self Replicating Technology
5. Latitude and Longitude (CD-only track)
6. Microbiology