- 3ft high and falling. http://bit.ly/oyu5A #
- CDM On SunVox http://ow.ly/kkrC #
- Kind of Bloop is out, if you donated. We'll cover it August 20th when the rest of us can buy it! http://kindofbloop.com/ #
- In case you missed it, like me, mazemod upped a new summer playlist http://www.mazemod.org/ #
- New OP-1 Sound Posted: #
- RT: @mikearosenthal: Want to support the arts in nyc? become a member of The Tank and help us stay alive! http://bit.ly/mgocU #
- RT: @mikearosenthal: any chiptune near Troy, NY and want to play a show there later in the summer? cool new space opening up. could be good. in reply to mikearosenthal #
Author: Peter Swimm
TCTD tweets from 2009-08-17
Note Duration in Chipmusic Software
Chipflip has an interesting essay on note duration, a potentially dry subject that is well worth the read if you are concerned about how casually you throw terms around.
Due to a comment by Viznut, I’ve had quick look into music made with the PDP-1 (circa 1960). This was a popular machine in the early hacker culture that grew out of universities such as MIT. A few of the audio hacks are documented in MIT’s HAKMEM (1972). Writing this post, it gradually turned into a form of platforms studies or media-specific analysis, describing note duration on different trackers/hardware, and considering the compositional consequences of it. The scope of platforms here is limited, and comments about alternatives are appreciated.
August Demo Roundup
Great Roundup of some of the notable Demo Productions over at 8bittoday:
August is only half way, but has already brought us some fine 8bit releases. A game, some demos for obscure platforms, glitch art and some pixel graphics are covered in this small list of 7 productions.
via 8bit today:
TCTD tweets from 2009-08-15
- Dd you know TCTD has a flickr page, and an IRC Channel? Hopefully today's website updates makes this more clear! http://tinyurl.com/memryd #
- TCTD Commenters: We now support Gravitars! It's not an 80's toy line. I promise I've stopped tinkering for the weekend. #
Odds and Ends from Twitter 2009-08-15
- RT @4mat_scenemusic Ate Bit at Assembly party – "Transform" 64kb intro. Code by Evilpaul, Music by me. http://bit.ly/1NACd #
- PsiloduimpLive, via nerd music #
- Pandora = Portable opl3 Trackers on the go: http://bit.ly/o339I #
- M$ Goes Pixel Retro on their new logo. http://bit.ly/YCktM #
- RT: @depreci8onguild: Red Rocks / Colorado / Sept 12 RT The Depreciation Guild just added to #Monolith Festival https://myspace.com/thedepreciationguild in reply to depreci8onguild #
- In the great chiptune throwdown of 2009 are you a shark or a jet? http://short.to/mbzu #
- Sunvox As a iPhone live insturment http://bit.ly/SOVMr #
- Ascher-Weiss Salutes Virt, Universes Explode: http://bit.ly/KLJd4 #
- Glitter twins http://bit.ly/16BW5t #
- This needs algobeats #
- RT: @minusbaby: is still giggling about a video for my tune, "FRIQUIDIQUI, N.1",called "Winnie Friqui Pooh Diqui". See?: http://bit.ly/Jrsjn #
- RT @freemusicarchiv welcome @creativecommons to the Free Music Archive's ranks! Check out 8bitpeoples, other stuff http://bit.ly/Ndj3h #
- NME jumps on the chiphate bandwagon with a dressing down of the cheesy frankmusik http://short.to/mieo #
- In the Onion, the Gooch spin a delicate web of irony and science http://short.to/mhtx #
- keygen Music Updated http://keygenmusic.net/?page=news #
- Sorry about that faux post last night. It was the greatest hits. #
- See the TCTD Social Link on our frontpage? Anyone want to make pixel art versions for each link @ 80px × 15px? #
- GSW on interesting looking (and sounding) Game Boy-Like Tower of Heaven http://bit.ly/14BHUY #
- Happy Birthday Sega Genesis: http://bit.ly/MEAbE #
- TCTD Social Pixel Project done.. Thanks Keff! #
- Saying I love you, in all the wrong ways #
- RT: @chipsounds: Paul Slocum's ATARI synthcart beats remixed in chipsounds…http://bit.ly/Lv893 #