Author: Peter Swimm

  • STFUAJPGM appeared

    The best I can tell, this is a combination of Mixtape, compilation and literary device.  not sure if they plan to do this every issue, but you had a written narrative, and Shnabubula, NESMETAL, and SoundMatrix each took a crack at making music for it.

    This week’s theme: The Story of a Hero

    Act 1: Hero has awoken from what he thought was a nightmare when he realizes all of his fellow townsfolk are gone. The only thing that remains of them is the lingering scent of burnt flesh in the crisp winter air. Afraid at first, he shivers. He is alone. And at the same time a flame within has been lit. He must avenge the horrendous slaughter of the people he knew and loved. He explores his surroundings and finds a note which simply reads “You’re the only one left. Find me, so that I might finish the job.”

    via STFUAJPGM.

  • Temp Sound Solutions: Live at the Talking Head 5/29/09

    tssTemp Sound Solutions is usually one guy, Shawn Phase, and, I think, more electronics oriented. This is the full band version of TSS. I’ve yet to tape TSS’s solo act, but I’m really digging the band. The songs are mostly themes from various video games, with one cover (I think it’s excellent, though, to be honest, I’ve yet to hear the original) by Megadeth.

    via GM4a via Beatbots A/V Club

  • DUTYCYCLE II video wrapup.

    VIA DUTYCYCLE II video wrapup..

  • Midi Interface for the Sega Game Gear

    game-gearLittle-Scale’s midi interface for the Sega Master System, now supports the Game Gear. For more information on the prohject:

    You can find out more information about it here: … r%20system

    I have also created a google announcement group:

    “This is an announcement group for the Sega Master System MIDI interface project by little-scale. Please be patient as the release date is not yet set for the SMSM. By joining this group, you will be one of the first people to be notified when this item will be available.”
    join here:

    And how does it sound?



  • The Factory by Super Multifarios on mp3death

    m3d054_the_factory_00_photo_by_sabrina_campagna_on_flickrthe factory by super multifarios

    Cheers from Sweden’s vector, sympathy for us teenagers out there. curator of a bunch of kbps accessible revolving around fundament, and moved Retrospective mixing it has also amazing minimal music, often blending elements but without losing mysterious melodies and very personal, but we are extremely pumped about bringing music we are perfect for a dirty, techno vibe. Download from around geographic regions and manners of a 56k modem. and loads of the round hardware/software demon.

    via mp3death