Author: Peter Swimm

  • And thats a Friday

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

  • Offworld: Pizza City: PixelJam’s retro-modern style comes to Adult Swim

    pizzacityOffworld profiles a new pixelflash game that features some hot tunes from NYC’s Graffiti Monsters.

    In a move entirely coincidental with my tip of the hat to Rich Grillotti earlier in the morning, Adult Swim has released its latest web game, Pizza City, which so happens to have been created by Grillotti and PixelJam partner Miles Tilmann.

    The game’s the Atari 2600 version of Grand Theft Auto we never got, if the game had necessarily been limited to GTA’s delivery side missions and been stripped of all its violence (minus, that is, that toward clowns and mimes), but with all its hidden bonuses sprinkled around its open world.

    If it seems at first glance that its pace and expansion are too time consuming for quick-shot web play, that’s because they are: though it’s not immediately apparent (it wasn’t to me, anyway), pressing ‘S’ inside the pizza shop will save your progress, meaning I can (and will) come back to grind my way to those better cars teased just outside your starting point.

    Pizza City [adult swim, PixelJam]

    via Pizza City: PixelJam’s retro-modern style comes to Adult Swim – Offworld.

  • littlegptracker: 1.1c_38 out

    lvptNew 1.1c_38 version (aka ‘the wolfie fuzz’) is out.

    New feature:

    * There’s a new command ‘IRTG’ to use in tables

    IRTG stands for instrument retrigger and will retrigger the current instrument. It gives table the ability to work as progammable phrases that then can be triggered simply by changing tables.

    IRTG –yy: will retrigger the current instrument transposed by yy semi-tones. Note that each IRTG transposition is cumulatively added. So a table with

    IRTG 0001

    in it will keep going a semi tone up. Great for dubby echoes :)

    The retriggered instrument is NOT reset (as if you enter a note with no instrument number). The table (obviously) will continue to run and all running variable (filter,etc) won’t be reset

    This system is also pretty useful to implement temporary non 4/4 signature without having to switch grooves, since you have the ability to re-trigger the instrument at tick resolution

    and don’t forget trying to combine it with complex hop structure !

    Works both with audio & midi instruments

    Bug fixes

    * MIDI on PC: Because MIDI on PC is a bitch to synchronise and that the ONLY system that kind of worked was, surprisingly, the old MMSYSTEM audio system, I’ve re-enabled it as an option. So, if you need good midi sync or good timing, you will NEED to use this. The latency isn’t great but in our case it’s not a problem. To enable the old ass audio system, add an entry in the config.xml with

    Then you should enjoy pretty stable midi out

    * PSP doesn’t lock anymore when using the exit.

    * Fixed the cloning an empty note bug

    * Now mute states are reset when reloading a project

    Updated PSP,GP2X,WIN,MAC,DEB

    via littlegptracker: 1.1c_38 out.

  • little-scale – Error Repeat

    00-error-repeatNew release from the fine young cannibals over at CDK. Yay Little-Scale!

    little-scale, Australian Chipmusician/free hosting philantrophist/inventor/avant garde jam session curator/all out antithesis of procrastination has been making music on the Sega Master System, and has let CDK host this short album of danceable ditties! The Wonder From Down Under used a Game Boy and a Master System on these tracks, and the class just seeps through your stereo! Another future classic from the man!

    via CalmDownKidder Records » Blog Archive » [CDK 037] little-scale – Error Repeat.

  • The Making of OutRun at NowGamer

    390_7837_review_screen_03Another interesting behind the scenes, with loads  of details on the creative aspects of creating one of the all time classic racing games. And time is paid to the awesome soundtrack in this excerpt:

    Although the other programmers and graphics designers working on OutRun appear, according to Suzuki, to have had scant influence on shaping the game, one man – Hiroshi Kawaguchi the artist formerly known as Hiroshi Miyauchi – had a tremendous effect on what has become one of the most highly regarded aspects of OutRun’s production: its music. Kawaguchi joined Sega as a programmer in 1984, coding alongside Yuji Naka on the SG-1000 game Girl’s Garden while writing music purely as a hobby outside of work. Suzuki heard some of Kawaguchi’s tunes and was so impressed that he commissioned him to produce the soundtrack for Hang-On, after which Kawaguchi quit his role as a programmer and became a full-time in-house composer at Sega.

    via The Making of OutRun | NowGamer.