So on this painfully slow Thursday, we luckily have the appearence of The station seems to showcase a mix of classic game toons, orgional scene releases, nerdrap, and game remixes. All together it might be not enough of what you dig, but it seems to be a deep mix based on the short time I played with it.
Author: Peter Swimm
- Launches
Bit Shifter’s Information Chase Back in Stock
For those who perfer things of the flesh, very limited qunaities of Bit Shifter‘s Information chase is now back in stock. In related news (at least news to me), there is now a 8bitpeoples Store.
Your expensive new tv sucks
As told by this exhaustive and detailed dissection on NFGWorld.
An excerpt:
CDs and plasmas (and DLP projectors) are fixed resolution displays, and they don’t scale images well. Photographs and TV shows and movies look just great when you zoom in or stretch them a little. They use a technique called resampling to create an image that’s not quite entirely unlike the original, but bigger.
Pixels, however, are hard-edged pointy little things which look really terrible if you stretch them at all. Resampling a pixel makes it blurry, and half the appeal of pixel art is its clarity… Even if you’re not a pixel-art fan, they often look out of focus. Many people won’t notice, or won’t care, and they might as well stop reading here.
New Releases from 56KBS
Our favorite Latin American Noise Mutants are back with four new releases. Who can keep up?!?!
4 New releases! and also a new blog and the premier of “Graphic” with galleries (remotly) based on chiptune/8 bit from TheTheThes and Chema64:
Chiptots | Chiptots EP: Brazilian band with a mix of Chipmusic with Post-Harcore, excellent vocals
Popcorn Kid! | XXX :Musician from Ciudad Juarez/El Paso, LSDJ, Famitracker, Ableton, all the british sound in this one
Kealkowa | Beats and bits: Glitchy-Funky madness from Morelos, Mexico
Droid-ON| Introspective BitDnace: Marty McFly meets Stravinsky
8Bittoday Interviews Minusbaby
8Bittoday has an interview with Minusbaby, l’efant belligerent of 8bitpeoples. They discuss his background, his reason for pixel pushing and some of the tools he uses to create his art.
An excerpt:
[8bit today] Instead of being restricted by limitations, you give the 8bit touch to it by mind. Could you tell more about your process of working?
[Minusbaby] “Because I come from a sort of mixed media background on a several fronts (dependent on what was around and what I could afford) – computer, spray paint, lead, carbon, oil pastels, fake gold leaf, smoke, fire, ink and anything else – I felt that there was no reason for me to stick to traditional pixel art techniques. While I do follow a set of rules based on grids, aspect ratios and aliasing, everything else is fair game. For example, a Commodore 64’s palette is limited to sixteen colors. A few months ago, I made a Pulsewave flier using its palette along with darker versions of the original sixteen colors. While some purists have a tough time giving me respect, my color choices and disregard of the screen resolutions of the original consoles and computers set a personal precedent allowing me to do whatever I want, therefore avoiding boredom and inspiring growth. I am done being bothered by conservative crews who can’t cope. Besides, it’s fun to be naughty and break rules.