Author: Peter Swimm

  • Profiles in Courage: Deafguy

    hlvs-coverI’m not sure how I became aware of him, but even back in early 2004 when it was still pretty new to me, Deafguy struck me as an both fresh and unique take on basic LSDJ based chip-pop. His ultra-spartan website explains:

    One day I woke up and couldn’t hear a thing. Someone had put bread in my ears. I tried to remove it, but something went wrong. Terrible wrong. The bread was stuck and soon I had mossa i örat. Equipped with new super-hero powers, I had become Deafguy.

    Comic book back story in place, all we seem to have from this guy is two ep’s, each a graceful exercise in song writing and elegant simplicity.



    Deafguy’s label collective seems to be still in place, so maybe we can ask them very nicely for any unearthed rarities.


    And now your tasty week in review!


    Nanollops by Flashbob and Lissajou, a WFMU Solar Powered chip concert aired (f/ Bubblyfish, Glomag, Nullsleep and Natty), DUTYCYCLE II live footage appeared, and Yatagarasu brought his monster electro grind NES to your parents house for dinner, with this interview and tour ep, and Quarta330 has one side pleasant and one side rough with his new single.


    BOOdAw challenged a wizard to make NES Video music, and he did.


    We drooled and excreted all other manners of fluids at the OP-1 and did some more with this video, rejoiced at our ability to BACK UP OUR SHIT, and saw the new in progress Pulsar mini synth.


    Winter Chips IV results, interviews with Hidden Village , a behinds the scenes glimpse from NES era legend Neil Bladwin, and Stone Oakvalleys obsessively complete authentic sid and amiga collections all gave us a continued reason to exist for 7 more days.

  • BleepBloop USB Flash Writer Appeared

    3387452607_cce35c5912Long Awaited day for many!

    USB backup solution for the Nintendo Gameboy. The device is compatible with Windows 98 through Windows Vista and any Linux distro. Backup original Gameboy game, EMS 32Mb Smart Cart  saves only) or flash any Bleepbloop Cartridge.

    Save $1o when you buy a programmer and cart bundle. Comes with blue power LEDs and orange status LEDs with a white PCB in a clear, precision machined case. Fully tested and ships same day.

    Order Here!

  • Some times the Coolest stuff is at the edges..

    Via NESDEV

    I’ve been playing around with the concept of using the 2C02 PPU hum intentionally.

    B00daW: So far I’ve created a flickering BG0 test ROM that yields no noise. I’ve also used NO CARRIER’s GlitchNES; then modified it so that the APU and all channels are turned on. All I get is a small pop when the APU turns on and a click when the NES is shut off.
    Does anyone have any idea about which part of the PPU would be producing the hum and what would be done to purposefully make the hum? (Speaking strictly via software that is.)
    Furthermore, what frequencies are achieved and are they consistent?
    I’ll be messing about with this a bit further

    blargg: Haha, great idea. Hours later, here’s a demo that plays the first few notes of the SMB theme through the PPU. Run on a NES and plug your audio RCA cable into the VIDEO output to hear (turn down volume first, as the buzz is kind of loud). with NES ROM and ca65 source

    I got side-tracked trying to play 6-bit PCM out of the PPU (couldn’t get the output levels to match what they should have). I did get 3-bit PCM working, but lack the RAM on my devcart to put any decent-length sample on it. Had to settle for a simple square wave. It just plays it by loading the palette with black and white, and toggling between the two entries by changing the PPU address (with rendering disabled). Connect NES normally to “see” the waveforms on screen.


  • Flashbob – Scrambled Unity

    kr029In his second Kittenrock release Flashbob seriously tightens up the funky clunky nanoloop electro sound that he conjured up for us last time. It’s even more wobbley intricate and glitchy and therefore even better.
  • Winter Chip IV Results

    Punch the Dingo to Win!

    Lots of surprises in this one, and loads of cool trakcs from one of the techier more avant guarde end of the Chip Gene Pool. More info here.