Author: Peter Swimm

  • Retro Thing: Atari Flashback Portable

    While at the Midwest Gaming Classic in Milwaukee, Retro Thing shot exclusive video of the prototype Atari Flashback Portable. This pocket-sized game has a built in screen, and plays your favorite Atari 2600 ROMs downloaded into its internal memory. Marty Goldberg tells us about plans to bring the Portable to market in the near future

    via Retro Thing: Exclusive Video: Atari Flashback Portable.

    Coupled with the usb port, this might be just the thing to get people working on more serious 2600 composition. At $75 AND dual keypad support, I’d be all over this :D

  • joystiq: SXSW 2009: Datapop tuneage

    While we’re scampering around GDC in the hunt for gaming goodness, we thought we’d drop a bootleg tune from last week’s Datapop concert party at SXSW, which went exceedingly well. The venue was packed with sweaty chiptune lovers, and it actually rocked a lot more than we thought it would. Check out the gallery below from the event, and bounce along to the song from Sievert — embedded at the bottom of the post.

    via SXSW 2009: Datapop tuneage for your Tuesday.

  • Syphus’s Ghettosette

    dsc00308-300x225C64 Datasette – you remember it. The Datasette embodies Commodore cheapskatery from start to finish: it was a cheapo alternative to a proper disk drive, it’s got a crudely thrown-together connector with wires hanging out and it’s even got a skinflint mono drive head apparatus. All expenses spared, so that Jack could keep the costs down!

    dsc00308So it turns out they last pretty well. And in this age of 1541 emulators, MMC64 interfaces and the like, it’s sad to see a Datasette sitting unused and unloved. So I decided to lavish about four quid on mine and turn it into a block-rocking pimp star supreme with:

    * an internal speaker

    * internal 9v battery power

    * an external in (for when I eventually get the recording head to work)

    * a line/headphone output

    * a switch/knob for power and drive motor speed control (though this doesn’t really work yet)

    * an unfeasible amount of mystery line noise, which I’m going to pretend is intentional and adds ‘character’.

    via syphus» Blog Archive » Ghettosette – C64 Datasette/audioplayer conversion.

  • Review: Thy Name is Adventure – Oxygenstar

    Wmogon001_cover-largee covered its release some time ago, but having gotten a copy of this unique record (and quantities are now very limited), I thought it was time to give it a shake at a proper review.

    TNIA is a cassette only release, and at first you might be inclined to think this is merely a gimmick. Upon closer inspection, however, it becomes obvious that all of this linearity makes sense in the greater scheme of the release. Its always dangerous to assume intent in what is mostly a collection of instrumental tracks, but with the linear play order dictated by its medium, its quite easy to fantasize and find yourself swept up in an engrossing narrative.

    Oxygenstar is a multi-instrumentalist, but his main instrument is drums ,and the release is resplendent with an abundance of playful and funky rhythms.  For most chip artists, whom groove is merely a tracker parameter,  the lesson learned from the sunny springtime swing of tracks like ‘Melinda..”, or the RPG village funk of  ‘Apple Pickin‘ should be that the supposition that simple sound design must beget simple song composition is a dangerous fallacy.

    Through the first few tracks on Side A, the listener will come to see that Oxygenstar is not content to rest on his musical heels with the abrupt stylistic left turns of minor-staby-chord filled ‘The Most Climatic..”, the winsome journey balladry of “Less Talk” , or the rabid ewok anthem “March of the Marsupials“.  As the listener reaches the end of Side A, with the throbbing dancing saberdisco of  “My Favorite Forest“, its apparent that this is no mere dalliance in retroism for retroism sake, that Oxygenstar has transcended the medium and discovered an entire new galaxy, sitting like a million angels on the head of a pin, frolicking inside what you come to expect from a chip music release.

    Side B keeps the narrative rolling along with the determined yet melancholy “Look How I Go“, the plodding anxiety of  “Disaster Avenue“, and by the time the angelic lead vocals of “Save Me” kick-in, you’ve stopped anticipating the surprises and come to terms that in the quirky imaginary world of ‘”Thy Name is Adventure“,  novelty is status quo.

    Perhaps the most striking element of the collection of tunes seems to be the effortlessness Oxygenstar has in combining his fertile imagination within the restraints of a limited palette. In the hands of of a lesser artist, or an equal with a less restrained sense of taste, the delicate balance of success could just as easily shift from the congenial to the cloying, from the charmingly exuberant to the hyper-actively disjointed. If one must consider a successful release as a kind of blueprint for magic in a bottle, one could do far worse than use TNIA as your stylistic road map.

    A lingering question in the chip music community is whether or not there is a place for commercial releases in an community where the great majority of its release are available for free.  Considering the total package, cassette, high quality tunage and affordable price, this is a strong vote in favor of the affirmative.

    Another bonus of the cassette format? As the jovial coda ‘Let’s Stick Together” comes to close, you’ll come to the realization that all you will need to do is flip the tape, to start the adventure anew.

    Order here.


  • glitchNES Appeared

    glitchnes_002glitchNES is an open source software project for the Nintendo Entertainment System. This software causes graphical glitches similar to hardware circuit-bending. The current version is 0.1 (initial release).


    The author was kind enough to answer a few questions about glitchNES:

    What do you hope users use glitchNES for?

    My hopes are that glitchNES users will have fun with it. I really hope
    that it will be used by people to do live visuals at chip shows or other
    music events. However, I think it is fun just to tinker with – changing
    graphics and playing around with it in an emulator.

    Is this a gateway into NES graphics programing?

    I think so. There are some people that believe that in order to code for
    a certain console or computer that you need to understand the inner
    workings of the machine. But what about people that want to experiment,
    but don’t want to spend months or years with something to see results?
    That is why I went open source with this. I want people to experiment
    and alter the existing code. Maybe it’ll work – maybe it won’t, but
    either way you’ll learn something. If you decide to go your own way with
    NES coding I know some of the routines in glitchNES will be helpful for
    future projects.

    What is the future of the product?

    I’m going to continue to improve upon some of the features by adding
    additional controls, implementing sprites, and possibly even sound. I
    wanted to keep it simple for now, because I really want people to
    experiment with the code. I would be thrilled if users start to
    contribute code and graphics, as I would love to include them in future
    releases or distribute them separately on my website.