PDF_Format writes:
So for a while now, i’ve been in #pdf_lessons on esper.net, and have given some lessons. Megabass on LSDJ, for instance. This weekend, and following week, i am scheduling lesons every night. Every night, at a time posted in the channel (all times EST, because that’s my time zone), there will be a lesson, on the topic posted in the channel, run by one of the operators of the channel.
- LGPT – Rhinostrich/XC3N
- LSDJ – PDF Format + others
- Famitracker – Tristendo
- Goattracker – Zabutom
- Milkytracker – Strobe
- Mssiah/P64 – PDF Format + Firebrand Boy
- Arduinoby – PDF Format + Trash80
- Other trackers – Other people
- Music theory – Rhinostrich, PDF Format, Strobe if he feels like it
and general other information on other things by other people who know about them. I will post a schedule as it is confirmed by the teachers of the lessons. But if you want to learn any tracker, or trick, or skill, come into the channel, and there will be a guided lesson, followed by general Q/A afterwards. Stay tuned, and tell your friends.
For more info