Author: Peter Swimm

  • 8BIT to the Floor out on Kittenrock

    kr027The term compilation has been diluted in the past months, but this is one powerhouse lineup.

    Jellica writes:

    12 tracks of mainly chipstyle four to the floor techno and house jack trax from Monobyte Steve Pinus Mugo Tom Woxom Pocketmaster J8b!t Ultraelectronis Stàrpause Josstintimberlake and Jellica Dr. Von Pnok Buskerdroid Natsanugogo compiled by Tom Woxom with art by Stereotype

    Grab it.

  • GameSetWatch Interviews Classic Composer Hiroyuki Iwatsuki


    GSW has an interesting interview with classic and current composer Hiroyuki Iwatsuki, who worked on games for The NES, the SNES, and more recently XBOX 360. The interview disucsses some of the difficulties composers had on the older hardware, and compares and contrasts it to today’s modern games. An excerpt:

    GSW: What are some of the important differences between composing for the XBox 360 compared with your work on the 16-bit Super Nintendo?

    Iwatsuki: The biggest difference between the Super Famicom and the Xbox 360 is the difference in memory. You could almost fit the contents of a Super Famicom cart within the memory space allotted to the music of a single Xbox 360 game. For Omega Five it adds up to a few megabytes because of the high quality of the recorded sounds. The Xbox 360 uses 48 kHz sound output, so naturally we were using those specifications. In retro mode, we consciously lowered the sound source to between 12 and 16 kHz, then rendered these files at 48 kHz to give it an antique quality. Even the retro tracks are large files, which is the sort of thing you could not get away with on the Super Famicom. Back then we were forced to be inventive and make sacrifices on sound quality so that the hardware could handle it.

    Read it.

  • Introducing the Flickr Pool

    flickr_logo_gammav5989914Out of a Lack of a better resource to link to, TCTD has created an official FLICKR POOL.You can view some images over on the right sidebar now.

    The goals of this are pretty simple. The pool intends to highlight:

    1. Documents of Performances like chip shows, gallery openings and other assorted confrontational mayhem.

    2. Artistic creations, such as pixel art, album covers, gallery works, etc.

    3. Cool Hardware mods that are unique and special, think arduino, c64 mods, atari chips in casio keyboards etc.

    What is it not for?

    1. Lame pshop jokes

    2. Your hair

    3. Your crayola’d gameboy mod

    4.  Your wack mspaint ep cover.

    Anyone may join, so sign up today and lets make it interesting!

  • The Watchmen go pixel viral: Open Thread

    Right in the Graphic Novels

    The new Watchmen film is set to be released, and they have an online flash game that mixes pseudo beat ‘em up action and pixel art filled cut scenes with arpy inanity. Thoughts?
