Author: Peter Swimm

  • Cave Story Soundtrack Converted to Impulse Tracker

    Fun Looking, but Deadly Difficult
    Fun Looking, but Deadly Difficult

    Random reports on the 8BC forum:

    Coda wrote a program which enabled him to reverse the music from everyones favorite game Cave Story and output .it-files (Impulse Tracker modules)!

    This is very exciting news to me, since I’ve only previously found a soundtrack consisting of about half the tracks in shitty mp3 quality, and since it’s a lovely soundtrack (to a lovely game). It seems the stereo information was lost when converted to .it, but it’s still very enjoyable, and otherwise accurate. Perhaps Coda will figure out how to get the stereo information as well…

    Anyway, here’s the .rar with all songs:

    PS. And just in case you didn’t already know, .it-files are best played with XMplay if you are using Windows, and CocoModX if you’re using OSX.

    So listen, loop, remix, enjoy!

  • Mark Denardo relaunches Website

    New bodies for old. from flickr
    RRRRRRRARRRR. from flickr

    Brooklyn based chip/folk/etc artist Mark Denardo has launched his new website, with full lentgh tracks from his current release Graffiti Monsters. I helped worked on some of the rough demos for these tracks, but what they’ve become with his live band and in the studio are really great, and should be checked out.

    100percent 100%

  • Jellica Live SID Mix – For a Limited time only

    No ears means massive noise.
    No ears means massive noise.

    Uberhot Boy Model Jellica has posted a C64 DJ mix for a very limited time only! grab it quick:

    Jellica DJ mix live 12 november via skype megamotherfuckinglo-fi!!!!!!!!!!!111111!!!

    lazy tracklisting:

    Martin Galway – Parallax bit (C64)
    Glomag/various – 8bit operators pocket calc megamixxxx (various mainly GB?)
    peeR – slack (GB)
    Paza Rajm – Mindfields (ST)
    Ben Daglish – Dark Fusion (sincair beeper thingy)
    Strobe – Robophobia III (vic 20)
    Linus – Couldron (c64)
    CC Ivory – Machine (GB)
    Tim Follin – Bionic Commando bit (C64)
    Unicorn Dream Attack – The Mustard Seed (GB)
    Timbral – Y’m Still Here (ST)

    mp3s and stuff from peoples myspaces blah.

    there were a couple of others but they wernt properly prepared and meh

    7 days or 100 downloads … SnBFQlE9PQ

  • TCTD Secret Weapon

    Chip Verdadeiro até a Morte!
    Chip Verdadeiro até a Morte!

    TCTD loves Google Reader. To stay up to date on tons of disparate mailing lists, blogs and forums online, it is an invaluable tool to monitor the latest developments in the chipscene. The other day, they added the ability to translate blogs on the fly, which allowed me to check out the new Portuguese language blog “Ecos Fantasmas”

    Google Translated Link:

    Kurt, the blog author, just yesterday covered his take on an intro to making chip music. While the topic is hardly new, it is unique what language it is written in, and is a good resource for those who speak it natively. Can anyone suggest other non-english blogs TCTD should keep tabs on?

  • This week at the Collective III

    For the week of 11/03-11/10

    Another week goes by, and in the Post Halloween swoon things turn a tad lazy. It feels that everything is building towards the orgasmic explosion that is the the coming Blip Festival, and everyone is quiet and working silently. But not to worry, our crack(ed) staff still found time to troll the pits of the 8BITCollective to shine some light on a few of the gems posted in the last week.