Author: tctdbot


    A compilation of tracks covering the first 6 months or so of posts on with:

    *New tracks from Kraettz, godinpants, and Chik Gala (formerly Zathura)

    *Hand-picked tracks that you may have missed
    *Personal messages from many of the artists
    *Your money back if your ears don’t bleed
    *A template to recreate dataswitch’s awesome cover using a pic of yourself (and I really want to see some of these)


  • A Lil’ Taste of V/A Handheld Heroes Volume One

    Snippets of 7 (out of 40) tracks from the upcoming compilation from Handheld Heroes. Video includes CCDM, Heosphoros, Maru, Random, Albino Ghost Monkey, Kkrusty, and BSK.

  • The Glowing Stars: Anything Past That EP released!

    The Glowing Stars are proud to present to you 5 tracks of all original chip-flavored rock; gameboy guitar drums and vocals. And accordion. Engineered and mixed and co-produced by Crashfaster.


  • Toronto _Finally_ Gets a Monthly Chip Show!

    After several wildly popular nuit blanche shows – not making that up, look at the insane crowds doing the wave at the last nuit blanche show – Toronto finally has a monthly show. With a name like PIXELDANCE there’s a lot to live up to but as you can see from the videos below the first event was both sufficiently pixelated and included a good dose of dancing.

  • Gamewave Podcast focuses on Blip Festival 2011

    Check out Episode 51 of the Gamewave Podcast featuring music from 4mat, Starscream, minusbaby, Peter Swimm and Henry Homesweet. Subscribe at or download individual episodes at

    “Episode 51 of the Gamewave Podcast is special for a couple of reasons. First because it’s presented by Chad Williams, creator of The New Adventures of Captain S (something Mike and Joe first talked about on Episode 26), and second because Chad talks about his experience at the Blip Festival 2011, which took place in May. Chad plays some live tracks from the event, and we also hear from cTrix and Inverse Phase who were both present. Check out this great episode, and then take a listen to Chad’s regular podcast, JumpMen Podcast – a show about video games, movies, and everything AWESOME!”