Author: tctdbot

  • – New Chiptune Community

    We’re proud to announce, the sweetest chiptune community on teh interwebz. Users can upload video, create buddylists, send private messages, and more! Just because the sounds are from 80’s technology doesn’t mean the site has to be! More than just a BBS script, it’s Join now!

  • Bent Festival begins this week in NYC


    The 2011 Bent Festival will be held at 319 Scholes in Brooklyn, June 23rd – 25th. Bent Festival is an annual art and music festival celebrating DIY electronics, hardware hacking, and circuit bending. Each year we invite artists from across the country and around the globe to perform music with their home-made or circuit bent instruments, teach workshops to adults and children alike, create beautiful art installations and to generally come together, face to face, and showcase the state of the art in DIY electronics and circuit bending culture.

    Featuring the work of some chip artists: Rosa Menkman, Jeff Donaldson, Burnkit 2600, Gijs Gieskes and Loud Objects.

    Twitter: @bentfestival (#bent11)
    Facebook: Bent Festival Facebook
    Photo stream on Flickr:


  • L’Obe Dans La Baie

    L’Obe Dans La Baie is a Progressive MIDI Metal album composed by Francois Heosphoros Martin and Jake LaRocque in 06-07.

    1.La Mère a Madame Gauvin
    2.Le Mouvement Intestinale De St-Louis
    5.Réducteur de Radiation Radiophonic
    6.Conclure cette Théorie
    7.L’Élément Déclencheur
    8.Pièce de Thé


  • “21 Years of Disappointment” – ovenrake

  • PB013| Andrew Kilpatrick- Square Wave Octave [Minor]

    Kick starting off this weeks trio of releases from our very own Andrew Kilpatrick is Square Waves Octave [Minor].

    This is Andrew’s first full length album and it does not disappoint. This album as well as its counterpart, to be released later this week, has a theme of sorts, in which each of its expertly crafted tracks steps up a key from the last until eventually the first song is repeated in the opposite modality to lead onto the following album and vice versa. It is as if Andrew had danced along a piano tapping out songs as he moved along. The tracks are solid, with ambient tones, crackling drums and melodies which make you quiver at the knees.