It is Pxl-Bot’s highest pleasure to bring you this ground-destroying piece of work from 8bc fave, MONODEER. Slow, dark and riddled with a sense of despair, this heavily dub inspired debut offering from MONODEER drags you in quickly and smothers you quietly in its’ intoxicatingly suffocating atmosphere. Far from being one dimensional, Noise.bmp leaks lo-fi charm corrupted with its own dark innards taking influence from noise music and a definite doom-esque ting. Far from being one dimensional, MONODEER goes onwards from his pre-established groove-fuelled aggression to inject a healthy amount of hook riddled melody before “Shatter” does as its name suggests. From start to finish this innovative and awe-inspiring release oozes a dark atmosphere from every orifice, creating one of the most refreshingly new sounding chip releases of the year. Think less dubstep, and more darkstep.
Author: tctdbot
Proto’s debut, bleep-bloop, stupidly cute, saccharine-sweet, jazzy chiptune album. Seven tracks to make even the most hardened chiptune fans *ahem* ‘squee’ (minus, like, two). But seriously, it’s pretty cool stuff.
1. Hello World. (1:07)
2. 9am Skies. (2:21)
3. Blueberry Jam! (2:17)
4. Bitmap_Blues. (1:56)
5. Heat Death. (2:54)
6. Her #0000ff Eyes… (2:54)
7. Zero-G Lemonade. (2:09)All music and artwork by PROTODOME (Blake Troise)
PB010| Kommisar- Pixel Girl
Bringing his second release to Pxl-Bot and also our 10th release, Kommisar returns on his usual fantastic form. His usual melodically focused memorable chaos has returned, this time with a slightly darker twist to compliment the increase in range of this astonishingly fresh artist.
Rarely does an artist produce so much material this regularly that seems this new and original each time round. From the very beginning Kommisar breaches new heights of structural and musical complexity and achieves so with apparent ease whilst still managing to lodge his hefty melodic hooks in your cortex. Featuring an Iron Maiden inspired chip re-imaging, a vs track with Zaghurim on the release closer and a return to his classic track “La Lune du minuit éternel” this is Kommisar’s most accomplished and broad release to date. We here at Pxl-Bot are once again very proud to bring you another release by this Chip God. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
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PB009| thesuperfruitsmoothies- Guavas, Mangoes & Goji Berries
Songs about fruit and lasers.Pxl-Bot and all the artists involved are very happy to be bringing out a choice offering of condensed fruity goodness.
A collaboration drawing from the creative juices of Andrew Kilpatrick, Cookeh (James Cook) and Chipset (Oliver Williams) Pxl-Bot’s ninth release brings you a collection of ideas and sounds drawn from more influences then songs there are on the release. Traversing grimey rave, full throttle drum driven noise, polyrhythmic spits and plodding space driven melodically-minded trance, all delivered with the medium of chip, this release breathes a scope and vast range from the off. Written over seven months, the collaborative’s first offering brings promise of greater and even more diverse things, with the starting template of fruits with lasers locked firmly in place.