Almost a year ago Ubiktune-v2 was launched, but ever since then we were thinking about how to improve and make the label better place for kind of music we all love so much. Finally, this is it.
We’d like to thank all people who was supporting and help us in our mission and personally Sander/Focus (for the brilliant art), Mercurius and micksam7 (for stable hosting and mirror providing).
During 2011 we’d like to introduce for you more great music. Stay tuned for yogurtbox (coda and surasshu), Danimal Cannon, Teleidofusion (C-jeff and Megus), Manwe, Diad (tadpole and Heosphoros), virt, Jay Tholen, Blitz Lunar, C-jeff, velathnos, FearofDark, maxo and more as well as various compilation albums.
Enjoy the music and welcome to Ubiktune-v3!
ubiktune-v3-logo.png (38 KB)