- Ok we are back.. but lost a few days news.. If your item is missing kindly resubmit! #
- RT: @gamesetwatch: SK8-bit http://bit.ly/bdYtyr #
- RT @chip_music: ChipMusic.org has a NSF player! Go upload or listen to a NSF! #
- RT: @firebrandboy: Uploaded my new track to #8bc http://is.gd/cdsrX #
- RT: @bleepstreet: \\\ La Belle Indifference – Dr. Ziltch ( Dr. Von Pnok ChipHall-Mix)… http://bit.ly/b3OKwR #
- Interview with Dr. Octoroc. https://web.archive.org/web/20160729160643/http://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId=9030497 #
- The Depreciation Guild Spirit Youth Reviewed: http://www.exclaim.ca/musicreviews/latestsub.aspx?csid1=143&csid2=870&fid1=46561 #
- #whyilovethetank Hanging with dragons, eagle eyeing minors, power cycling blown tweeters, blipping to packed houses and empty rooms TCTD<3 #
- Boston Chip acts profiled: http://www.breakthruradio.com/index.php?show=10306 #
- TCTD Frontpage logo has a nice update for summer fun. Thanks Keff! #
- SP Prosound is not so much about the sound, but obviating an adapter: #
- RT @speccynews Ziggy, new emulator for Windows featuring accurate multicolour and ULAplus support: #
Category: In the News
TCTD Links for 2010-05-19
TCTD Links for 2010-05-17
- RT: @8bitpeoples: • New in the store: V/A: Continue. Save. Retry. comp. CD, Wizwars, Receptors, PDF Format, lots more. https://www.8bitpeoples.com/store/product/79 #
TCTD Links for 2010-05-12
- RT @8bitRolf Designing an OPL3 Game Boy Cartridge, fuck yeah. That said, nobody will ever write the code it would need. Still, fuck yeah. #
- RT: @richvreeland: "Marco Tannenbaumgartner", new NES-style tune for upcoming game on @chip_music. http://bit.ly/9gxeTT #
- RT: @enso_gfx: This is definitely one of my favorite pixelstyle posts in recent memory: http://bit.ly/biD6ZR #
- 8bit Betty – Mostly Dead Music: http://8bitbetty.bandcamp.com/album/mostly-dead-music #
- Frank Frazetta RIP: http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=7356 #
- Wired: 8-Bit Imagery Invades Music Videos http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2010/05/gallery-8bit-music-videos/ #
- UDA made it into the onion book: #
- Hey Chip Artists: Despite our name, we think its alright if you stop apologizing for a release not being '100% Chip". #
TCTD Links for 2010-05-10
- Keeping it real with IFD on 8bit Daily: http://www.8bitdaily.com/2010/05/interview-with-brian-mazzaferri-of-i.html #
- Space Rager Preview: http://events.kmov.com/stlouis_mo/events/space-rager-/E0-001-029922229-2?ref=belowidget #
- Nullsleep • Collapsed Desires Tour • starts next week: Chicago, Portland, SF, LA, Austin, Nashville, NYC, Philly http://bit.ly/b0s6OD #
- thereminagucchi: http://www.bytejacker.com/blog/anamanaguchi-vs-a-dude-playing-a-theremin #
- stfuajpgm Episode 10: The Imaginary Man http://www.stfuajpgm.com/episodes/?p=263 #
- CiH releases CD-ROM http://dhs.nu/news.php?t=single&ID=683 #
- Zen Albatross explores that whole Uematsu think chiptune is a fad thing: http://bit.ly/dgf2tC #
- RT: @depreci8onguild: New remix of “My Chariot” by School Of Seven Bells — Download it for free at Spinner.com!… http://bit.ly/9PW8pu #
- File under NOT GONNA HAPPEN RT: @speccynews: Spectrum emu for the iPad (but currently awaiting App Store approval): #
- SuperFly DX Released For Atari Jaguar http://www.gamesetwatch.com/2010/05/superfly_dx_released_for_atari.php #
TCTD Links for 2010-05-08
- RT: @Playpower: Have you joined Network? It’s the best way to get involved and develop games for the $10 computer. #
- Derris-Kharlan – Live CD http://www.poffstudios.com/derriskharlan #
- SMILETRON – Control http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/1372/smiletron-control/ #