Heosphoros has a new NSF EP and ROM album uploaded at 2a03.fr, the chiptune upload site. Amazing artwork and stunning doom chip anxiety in every frame of music.
Category: Music Artists
Heosphoros’ Embered Recollections
Chris Hülsbeck’s “Symphonic Shades” reprint
One of my favourite composers of the C64 and Amiga eras, creator of marvelous soundtracks like the one for the game Giana Sisters, the amazing Turrican series soundtracks and the guy who made the first computer sequencer we all call “tracker” (so you owe him a damn lot), has released his record “Symphonic Shades” some time ago, to a mass of hungry fans who got it on “sold out” status sooner than you can identify yet another boring Game Boy square wave. The tracks are rearranged by legend demoscener Mr. Purple Motion as well so this is something worth giving a listen. How would compositions made with chipmusic or chiptune techniques change when performed on “legacy” instruments? Is the composition really that good or does the gimmick of chipmusic give it its only appeal? You should find the answers to these questions checking out this CD (while you make them too about your music).
So, now on reprint, here’s your chance to grab this record. Let’s read the blurb:
With its transparent standard-tray the new edition is lower priced 17.95 instead of 22.00 Euro than the first edition. All other details incl. CD content and the extensive booklet with interview, photos and artwork are identical.
The CD presents all songs of the concert performed in August 2008 in Cologne, which was a world-premiere: Minimalist homecomputer sounds turned into arrangements for 120 musicians of orchestra and choir – a complete symphonic concert dedicated to the works of one video game musician exclusively. The name of this person is Chris Huelsbeck, whos regarded as legend among enthusiasts for his music in game classics of the C64- and Amiga-homecomputer era such as “Giana Sisters” or “Turrican”. The songs were rearranged by demoscene legend Jonne Valtonen aka Purple Motion / Future Crew, director was Grammy-winning artist Arnold Roth.
My friend The C-Men has a similar project with Jeroen Tel, the C64 Orchestra, where they have repurposed Jeroen and Rob Hubbard’s tunes using an orchestral arrangement. You should check that one out too
Head over to MAZ SOUNDS to preview and purchase this CD.
via C64,sk.
iqtu – Rollie Poley Years released
Another release from the ever so loved II:
Rollie Poley Years is dedicated to days in preschool where finding and trapping small bugs was my primary occupation. Because of this, it is my most playful work, moving quickly over melodic ideas like a young child searching for worms in the dirt. The emphasis on lightly crunched distortion and heavily layered mono synths creates a game-oriented sound palette. The 9-song EP wraps into a 14-minute circle, ending with a very different version of the first track that leaves the listener with the taste of sparkling rainbows and happy clouds.
01 srs ending
02 mose
03 strategy5
04 ummies
05 nide righter
06 bugeyes
07 ans
08 dinosaur document
09 sparkling rainbow shitEven though some of the tracks on this album are arguably non-chip, you’ll find a lot of chip like elements and a general lo-fi atmosphere which is very likeable. Well worth a check out!
On the FMA: Bud Melvins 657,644 + New Release Popular Music
This weeks FMA article is about the wonderful worldly Bud Melvin. An excerpt:
I once read an interview with a sci-fi writer who said that you can only take so many liberties with your audience. You could have a story with dragons, one with telepathy, or a story with time travel, but combining the three takes an enhanced level of skill than does merely using the one alone. Perhaps the most skillful, time traveling, telepathic dragon in the modern chip music scene is one Bud Melvin.
Read the article, and then download his early release 657,644, in its highest quality web release ever. Also Bud Melvin has a new release “Popular Music”, available on vinyl and free download.
Lil’ Bits!
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/BGr55cAnmmw" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Tiny Cartridge has news of the US release of PictoBit: The second-best DSiWare game, Art Style: PiCOPiCT (right under Art Style: Hacolife), is finally available in North America as PiCTOBiTS. It is imperative that you purchase this addictive puzzler, if nothing more than for its YMCK remixes of classic NES/Famicom songs:
“Super Mario Bros. Part 5” by YMCK
“Super Mario Bros. Part 4” by YMCK
PiCOPiCT’s “Ending” (Credits) song by YMCKMake sure to read my PiCOPiCT review, too.
And a positive review of Reformat the Planet. In other bits:
- Neil Baldwin has updated his Duty Cycle Generator blog, this time with background and audio of the game Ferrari Grand Prix.
- Little-Scale has provided a new “Chip Tune Music Uploader” the idea is to avoid ugly media fire or similar download sites. But seriously kids, get a website!
- Finally, VORC has upped a new demo video of 8-Bit Prophet