Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • temp sound solutions – nut up or shut up

    a temp sound solutions that is a landmark in hybrid original 8bit/guitar mentality, driven by a sense of machismo and mistakes. originally slated for release on megatwerp and wiped out by dual meltdowns, death of a loved one, and other accidents, this album finally sees the light of day at its rightful home. samples via rantradio, the wwe, and many other sources, this album is sure to confuse and delight you with a little something for everybody. the titletrack is a final fantasy drum and bass mess of a banger, and how can you go wrong with that? other source material sampled and heavily changed from the commodore 64, highly artifacted scat porn, gummo, and hacker tips by ramzi. this record is assuredly the bomb, a true gem of the tss discography.

    cover image by paintron.


  • HTML 5 Chip Tracker appeared

    The recent builds of firefox have included support for realtime synthesis through javascript, and I though I would get in on the fun and build a toy with them. I of course went overboard, and decided to make something that you could actually use to write music with, and implemented a tracker. To note, this is a prototype, and rather than discarding it without showing it to world, I have posted it here for people to play with, and potentially dissect.

    via HTML 5 Chip Tracker.

  • Protracker SDL

    I been keeping an eye out for this and decided to post it now because it seems a lot more usable, but it’s still in early stages.

    8bit Bubsy has decided to port Protracker 1.3B to SDL.
    “ProTracker SDL is a platform independent rewrite of the classic ProTracker software from the Amiga platform.”

    The link to download the Win32 version and source (so you can compile it for other platrforms)is here

    This is by far one of my favourite ProTracker versions so I recommend you to try it and keep an eye out for this project’s progress.

  • ACID 64 Player updated to 3.04



    • Faster startup time
    • Emulation improvements
    • Copy file/directory added to context menu
    • Many small improvements


    • ACID64 couldn’t start on some Windows 7 64 bit machines
    • Turning filter off and seek back turned filter on
    • Switching device and then seeking could silent the tune
    • Fast forward could freeze GUI in some cases

    ACID 64 Player – Commodore 64 Music Player for all HardSID devices.

  • Dma-Sc Interview

    French language interview with Atari ST chiptuner Dma-Sc.