Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • Two Warriors – Coova and little-scale

    After having met at Blip Festival 2009, Coova and little-scale signed a treaty to merge their respective battalions and combine their unique combat styles in order to ward off evil enemy forces. Coova’s artillery of choice is the Nintendo Game Boy with the Nanoloop 1.5 ammo cartridge whilst little-scale’s war science research department has developed a weaponised strain of the SEGA Nomad. The result is an armed force to be reckoned with, ready to do battle on any audio playback system at high volumes.

    via 8bitpeoples.

  • Desmos – Jellica

    Lost in orbit around the third planet from the star Canopus, the second brightest star in the night-time sky, the GSV Desmos drifts forgotten through outer space. The original crew have been dead for decades and their descendants are forced to scavenge in the huge craft’s shadowy maze of decaying rooms and corridors. Kept alive by the ship’s few remaining atmosphere systems, this is the soundtrack to the remaining survivors lonely voyage through the cosmos. Written using a Game Boy and some junkshop FM and GM keyboards, Desmos is a journey that invokes as much of the spirit of Oldfield as Jellica can possibly bring himself to summon and attempts to show off the DMG-01’s synthesis capabilities to their fullest using a long squiggly line of wobbly electro.

    via 8bitpeoples.

  • 8 Bit Music – Malaysian Chiptune

    Documentary that covers the south-east Asian scene of chipmusic, a very interesting one if you ask me. You have the input of interesting people that you are not used to hear, for example Ikuma, from a totally different point of view to American or European counterparts. Some footage is “obtained”  but most is shot by these young aspiring artists and enthusiasts.

    Check it out:

  • Midi Interface for the Zx Spectrum

    The program is still strong in beta, but now allows sending data from a MIDI keyboard connected to the sifu and the ZX Spectrum to play three tones at the same time using a standard audio circuit AY . Nov? program umož?uje používat dynamiku kláves, pokud jsou jí p?íslušné klávesy vybaveny. Newly program allows you to use dynamic keys, where are the keys to her suite. P?ipojení je uskute?n?no klasickým MIDI kabelem s pomocným modulem zprost?edkovávajícím komunikaci pomocí opto?lenu. Connection is made with classical MIDI cable to the auxiliary module engaging communication through the optocoupler. Protože AY má pouze t?i kanály, lze zahrát najednou jen t?i tóny, což ?lov?ka, hrajícího na klavír b?žn? ob?ma rukama omezuje. Since AY has only three channels, you can only play three notes at once, a man playing the piano with both hands normally limited.

    Google P?eklada?.

  • Pocket VBLANK version 2 : ANSI MIDIo

    The requests: Cheaper, DIY Kit Version Available, Upgradable, User Programmable

    ANSI MIDIo: yes, yes, yessss & yes!

    Oh, and not just programmable as in load-your-own-pic, instead the MIDIo will have real-time control and programming  right from your midi software, controller, or (in my case) a Bliptronome!

    What it is:

    Kit or pre-built a bit smaller than a business card, and powered & controlled via USB, using the open-source KIT_MIDI driver already available here.

    The input is midi from any midi software such as Renoise, Max-MSP or Abelton on OSX or Windows or an external controller patched through KIT_MIDI.

    The Output will be NTSC or PAL (separate versions) and give a sweet 32×12 screen where the user can program one of 12 different ANSI Graphics characters in one of 16 different color combination. Yes, 16-color  ANSI:  as in that BBS you wasted time on in 1992.

    Stand-by for more information.

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