Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • FX4 | Jake Kaufman aka Virt

    FX4 | Jake Kaufman aka Virt

    X4 is a concept album set in the oceans and skies. Its story immediately precedes that of FX3.
    The album is free, and I am not expecting or asking for payment, although I appreciate donations — the proceeds will go toward software I need for my one-man indie game project.
    Unlike the previous albums, which were written as “soundalikes” using sampled chip sounds, FX4 consists of machine code that can run on a real NES system. It was written in Famitracker, available for free at
    The NSF format files are here:
    If you don’t have NES transfer hardware, the NSFs can be played using VirtuaNSF ( — scroll to the bottom), or dozens of other players for PC, OS X, iPhone, Android, etc.

    via FX4 | Jake Kaufman.



    REBOOT-INDONESIA brings an exquisite perspective of a scene which has found its own sound & roots, delivering outstanding & memorable performances.

    1. SEBIRON – Megamix the Gunblaze
    2. SEBIRON – Seacord ( Seatech )
    3. JW86 – Magical Rainbow Castle
    4. JW86 – Brain Dead Sunday
    5. TURBO BLIP – The Stars and the Ocean
    6. TURBO BLIP – Seashore Romance
    7. SUNDAY CAROUSEL – Hey Jules
    8. SUNDAY CAROUSEL – C’mon Rider
    9. LOCAL DRUG STORE – I Wanna kill your sister
    10. LOCAL DRUG STORE – Virgin


  • Chipsune 2.0 Preview tour

    These are some new features that will be in Chipsune 2.0.

    More info and downloads can be found here:

    The songs that are demo here are property of Nintendo and Gamefreak, and are not included in the future update.

    via Chipsune 2.0 Preview tour – YouTube.

  • Patric Catani at Blip Festival Australia

    Special occasion at Blip Australia 2012 in Melbourne to play an Amiga + Gp2x concert. The hot weather must have influenced the Soundchip and funny things happened during the concert. A very nice event, thanks to everybody who came and the Blip organisation! The new Flex Busterman tracks also will be released in October by the japanese label Murderchannel.This version is recorded and edited live by Chris Ctrix.Thanks a lot for doing this!

    via Patric Catani at Blip Festival Australia Melbourne 2-2012 on Vimeo.

  • ZX81 computer with AY-interface & ZXpand Module

    Sorry for too long preface/introduction ;) but it was my very _first_ contact with ZXpand module for ZX81 computer (32Kb or RAM, SD-card instant loading plus additional AY-interface in standard of classic ZX81’s ZonX AY-interface from 80s).
    It is really ZX81 playing music via AY chip (well, actually its Japanese version: YM). You can get both modules from RWAP Software:

    via ZX81 computer with AY-interface & ZXpand Module. – YouTube.