Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • Tmee Audio Sega 16-bit Audio Mod in Pictures and Sound Clips

    tmeeMD2 CCAM 1.0 ->
    MD2 stock -> … F4_MD2.ogg
    no TMSS MD1 (HiDef) -> … F4_MD1.ogg


  • Obscura Netlabel Appeared

    obscura_finalObscura Records is a new net label which was officially launched today, and we have Three EP releases to coincide with it’s launch:

    Popsicle Theory – One Thousand Skylines … lines.html

    PTR – Social Distortion (non-chiptune related) … rtion.html

    SpareTimeHero – Forever is Child’s Play EP … splay.html

  • In Defense of Video Game Music

    Page_LogoInteresting and global defense on the influence of Game Music on the authors life.

    Different chips texture the music differently, and you can tell which console produced a given song from the instrumentation alone. So the same melodies written for different consoles have a distinct musical signature that gives both modern and classic chiptunes a compositional richness you might not expect. Even large scale developers have started appreciating chiptune composition again, and the recent oldschool gaming revival has given us new (if atavistic) games like Mega Man 9, complete with chiptune soundtracks.

    via In Defense of Video Game Music.

  • Battle of the Bits – Detroit V Compo!

    Battle of the Bits

    OK, n00bs.  Gather ’round as Uncle B00daW tells you about Battle of the Bits’s newest competition:  Detroit V!

    Submit your samples NOW and use whichever sample tracker you want to use! Per usual, extreme manipulation is endeared. <3

    puke7/b-knox (BotB daddy) does his thing by setting up these eccentric mix compos for all of us to learn and enjoy.  Fun, hilarity, and brain growth are expected from all of you; (or Uncle B00daW will murder you with a death stare…)

    Have fun!

  • Mario Paint Composer DS released

    mpckeyboardHey people, long time no see!
    I been pretty busy with work and stuff, but then again, since South America is not even considered part of the global chipmusic movement, who gives two shits? No need for me to post much here :P

    Anyway, I recently acquired an Acekard 2 for my DS, and have been slowly trying to catch up with the homebrew movement (and Phoenix Wright games :P) and I stumbled upon this little fella here: a port of the Mario Paint music composer. Not a big fan of this little gimmick, but I presume some of you people will enjoy its cheesiness.

    Official blurb:

    “Mario Paint Composer DS is an indirect remake of the music composer tool found in the Super Nintendo game “Mario Paint” with a few new adaptations which I added in from the PC version created by unFun Games ( Please note, I am not responsible for the pc version, these two programs merely share the same name and that is all. This is not a direct port of any version, it is completely coded by myself.”

    Paratrooopa has added a bunch of interesting new features and improvements and you can download the results clicking here.

    ED: I ripped these samples a while back, grab them here lgptmariotaint