galleryNES – galleryNES is an open source picture gallery for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Create your own pixel art and view it on a real NES in slideshow format!
Toons from various consoles.
The new DOSBox includes new Yamaha OPL cores which will hopefully add accuracy and diversity to games and trackers utilizing FM chips. *nudge nudge* …Adlib Tracker.
Reed and Tempest are two of the funkiest chipmusicians around. This week’s episode is dedicated to their music. Finnish, funky Amiga and C64 music at its very best!
[audio:]Download mp3: TCTD Podcast 003
Reed – Jazzberry Juice.mod
Tempest – Mr. Solid.mod
Reed – Urethra Franklin.mod
Reed & Tempest – Hot Buttered.mod
Reed – Boogie Factor Pt.2.sid
Tempest – Acidjazzed Evening.mod
Reed – Saymold, Saymold.sid
Reed – Urea Geller.mod
Tempest – Free Fjortis Facials.mod
Tempest – Zen-bowling.mod
All songs can be found in original .MOD or .SID format at either Modland (.MOD and .SID), AMP or HVSC (SID).
BOOdAw posted a link to interesting code for adding samples to your 2600 tracks. From the TROGblog:
I have a habit of checking out the 2600 programming forums every week or so, and two weeks ago I started commenting on the topic Advanced sound techniques: how do they work? My interest in this topic was mostly in sample playback. I’ve been messing with digital sound samples since 1990, and I was very impressed when I found out a couple years ago that the 2600 was capable of playing back decent quality sound samples. My only exposure to this was the Berzerk Voice-Enhanced, which is a thing of beauty (and a joy forever.)
If I get the time and energy, I’ll enhance wav2atari to work on 16-bit samples, and add a downsampling option so you can specify the output sample rate. I also need to clean up the playback asm so the delays are balanced.
The zip file I’m including below contains the script, the HELLO.BIN Atari binary, the hello.asm dasm assembly file, and the original hello.wav file for comparison. Enjoy! ( 11K ) Number of downloads: 29
Here’s another demo that varies the pitch of the sample:
HELLO2.BIN ( 4K ) Number of downloads: 22
Here’s the modified source code:
hello2.txt ( 45.82K ) Number of downloads: 21
While you are there check out his hilarious Lehman Bros. game, and the sadly stuck in turnaround, Nort.Exe.