Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • On the FMA: Bud Melvins 657,644 + New Release Popular Music

    657644_frontThis weeks FMA article is about the wonderful worldly Bud Melvin. An excerpt:

    I once read an interview with a sci-fi writer who said that you can only take so many liberties with your audience. You could have a story with dragons, one with telepathy, or a story with time travel, but combining the three takes an enhanced level of skill than does merely using the one alone. Perhaps the most skillful, time traveling, telepathic dragon in the modern chip music scene is one Bud Melvin.

    Read the article, and then download his early release 657,644, in its highest quality web release ever. Also Bud Melvin has a new release “Popular Music”, available on vinyl and free download.

  • C64 Jukebox online!

    I thought this was a very cool idea which I hope gets bigger! It’s like a scrobbler for SID music:

    There is a new community driven C64 Jukebox on Twitter
    Are you curious what other SID fans are listening to right now?
    Do you want to play those tunes with one single click?

    Follow the C64 Jukebox on Twitter:

    Play button clicks on , ACID64 and the HardSID 4U Winamp plugin are all feeding this jukebox. It sends a .sid file link with each update, so you can play right from Twitter.

    Not for HardSID users only – anyone can use it even with emulation

    Initial idea: Wilfred Bos,
    Final concept/development:

    via C64 .sk.

    Check Peter’s post about ACID64, with more info regarding the player, clicking here!

  • OTAKU PLAY Preview


    Editor: Disclaimer – I have a track on here. Yea self promotion.

    GameSetWatch writes:

    Romanian publication Otaku Magazine — an “independent platform [designed to promote] visual art from national and international artists” — announced its fifth issue, titled Otaku Play, which looks to explore “the universe of players and play of all kinds”, “how and when you play”, and “what you learn while playing and where … you risk arriving when you remain blocked within the same play”.

    The 132-page, English-language issue includes articles “Virtual Worlds Unplugged”, “A Short Visual History of Videogame, NES Coffee table” and an interview with chiptune artist Nullsleep.

    Otaku Play also comes with “New York Poster” (photo past the post break), a fabulous pixel cityscape from renown pixel art group eBoy, though its a quarter of the original print’s size.

    While Otaku is only printing 350 copies of the issue, each copy will come with an interactive DVD packed with chiptune music, live performance video from Blip Festival events, and trailers for indie games like Blueberry Garden, Osmos, Cletus Clay, and more.

    More Details after the jump:

  • Lil’ Bits!

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    Tiny Cartridge has news of the US release of PictoBit: The second-best DSiWare game, Art Style: PiCOPiCT (right under Art Style: Hacolife), is finally available in North America as PiCTOBiTS. It is imperative that you purchase this addictive puzzler, if nothing more than for its YMCK remixes of classic NES/Famicom songs:

    “Super Mario Bros. Part 5” by YMCK
    “Super Mario Bros. Part 4” by YMCK
    PiCOPiCT’s “Ending” (Credits) song by YMCK

      Make sure to read my PiCOPiCT review, too.

      And a positive review of Reformat the Planet. In other bits:

      • Neil Baldwin has updated his Duty Cycle Generator blog, this time with background and audio of the game Ferrari Grand Prix.
      • Little-Scale has provided a new “Chip Tune Music Uploader” the idea is to avoid ugly media fire or similar download sites.  But seriously kids, get a website!
      • Finally, VORC has upped a new demo video of 8-Bit Prophet