Category: Chipmusic

Toons from various consoles.

  • Various Artists — Equilibrium

    Various Artists — Equilibrium

    Turn left and see the blue sea. Turn right and hear the sound of thunder. Turn back and find peace.
    Kulor — ?????? (4:33)
    Blitz Lunar — Sapling (3:46)
    Velathnos — Poseidon (3:05)
    nq\skrju — Waves to Lullaby (1:44)
    C-jeff — Maroon (3:12)
    RushJet1 — Calming Winds (2:28)
    Tony Thai — ?????????? (4:19)
    FearofDark — Recovery (4:42)
    surasshu — Rebirth


  • SWEletronica 2011 feat.Goto80, Random & Raquel Meyers

    Everybody being in Russia this and next week are welcome to visit SWElectronica 2011 gigs! Second edition of annual festival of swedish electronic music is dedicated to chip culture, guest artists are Goto80, Random and Raquel Meyers. Local support will be provided by finest russian chiptune musicians and vjs which are Uoki-Toki, 777minus111, Kola Kid, Kosmopop2, Snork25, Preston to name a few.

    Festival tour schedule:
    30 april – Squat Cafe (Moscow)
    1 may – Zoccolo Club (St.Petersburg)
    2 may – Porshen Club (Petrozavodsk)
    3 may – lecture by Goto80 & Raquel Meyers (Petrozavodsk)
    4 may – lecture by Goto80 & Raquel Meyers (St.Petersburg)


    SWElectronica_flyer_MSCW.jpg (666 KB)

    SWElectronica_flyer_MSCW.jpg (666 KB)

  • Toy Company’s Evil Easter Bootlegs and Videos Available [Procyon Lotor (DJ Set) – XyN0 – XC3N – Heosphoros]

    Toy Company is happy to release some excellent bootlegs from the last gig!

    Stream the entire video from DJWEB.TV:

    OR get a higher quality MP3 bootleg from :
    DJ Procyon Lotor
    DJ Procyon Lotor


  • Razor 1911 – Votedisk

    The almost 20 year old tradition of a big German demoparty during the Easter-weekend continues, after Mekka Symposium and Breakpoint it is Revisions turn to gather almost 1000 alcoholized nerds from all over Europe to perform strange ceremonies. As usual, Razor 1911 was present and also competed in the 64kb intro category with an intro called “We accidently borrowed your votedisk” that coded by Rez with music by Dubmood. This time made by an old softsynth for 64kintros created by german demogroup farbrausch. Pretty impressing if you consider that it is all stuffed into 64kb we must say! Check it out on here.

  • seal of quality/Fate Patterns/Pterodactyl Squad

    Pterodactyl Squad have just made a new 11-track chiptune release – Fate Patterns from French Game Boy artist, seal of quality.

    Fate Patterns opens up with live drums and swirling chip sounds before diving straight into the heady, beat-driven style seal of quality has made all his own, and it never lets up. Mixing chiptune with guitar and vocoder, Fate Patterns is constantly shifting and changing; each track surprises and delights with new sounds and ideas always around the corner. This isn’t music to sit back and relax to.

    1. The zeroes and villains suite
    2. Tickle tickle !
    3. C-c-cursed !
    4. I, diotic
    5. Cities unfold
    6. Prophecy
    7. Quiet lights
    8. The purest feeling
    9. Love spelled E-V-I-L
    10. Thor
    11. Riverside (Bonus Track)

    Download the release for free over at the the release page or pick up a CD copy for 8 euros here.