Category: C64

  • High Voltage SID Collection Update #50!

    hvsc1Great news, SID music fans!
    Our favourite collection, the HVSC, is back with its fiftieth update! Quite a landmark.

    For years this dedicated group of SID music historians have gathered, fixed and adventured to get all the C64 music ever made, for our enjoyment. Some of the highlights of this release?  Around 678 new SIDs, 59 fixed/better rips, 573 PlaySID/Sidplay1 specific SIDs eliminated and more, catering for a grand total of 36,000 SID files (each of which could include more than one song. yay!!).

    The emphasis as I said is in getting ALL of it so the output is usually of mixed qualities, but you can rest assured there’s a lot of cool NEW music to hear, without the pain of crawling through pages of garbage and uncontrolled P commands on LSDJ.

    Are you new to the HVSC? I recommend you give a listen to the folders of the following artists: Fanta, Ed, Linus, Randall, Drax, Jeroen Tel and Thomas Danko, to name but a VERY FEW of what’s available.

    The rest of the official release information follows:


  • Breakpoint 2009 wrap-up Part One

    77735Yeah this took me ages… 

    Sorry, I am very busy with my real life and cannot commit to post as much as I used to.

    But I still guess a lot of the releases on Breakpoint have passed by most people’s noses so here’s a sum up of what I thought was most interesting, on the oldschool/wild categories. Even a month after Breakpoint has ended, you could find a few gems here to enjoy . Hey, it beats reading about a retarded pussy who takes pride in the fact his bicolour hair covers all his face and that he just painted his Gameboy in 32 colours.

    So find contained herein a bunch of videos and babble from yours truly!
    Part one covers the DEMOS only. part 2 will cover Music and Graphics 

    Click here to see my selections!

  • Murderous Moppet – Silreq

    moppetfrntcover-mSick c64 sid release by SILENT REQUIEM. Claustrophobic and snaky basslines, and smooth filter usage mixes pleasure and pain for another enjoyable release from the label which shall not be named.

    “They” write:

    With the mysterious death of a Datasette tape drive, along with it’s tape, all had been lost. This left a growing very bitter taste with Maestro. In desperate attempt to find those responsible for such horrendous acts, he sets out, undercover in disguise (now known as the “Murderous Moppet”, as dubbed by the local the papers), in search of clues and answers; all while wreaking havoc to those who had opposed and done him wrong. With only a knife and a C64 in hand, all is archived as to relive revenge over and over again…. only this way, could he truly be at peace, after the loss of his precious data-tape.

    Nab Eeet Here

  • Hardsid4u Winamp Plugin Appeared

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    The Hardsid Team has released a new method for Playing sid files using the hardsid4u hardware. Details:

    * Seek in .sid files on cycle-accurate SID hardware!
    * Remote-control your SID files using an IR remote controller! (free plugin
    * Enjoy the benefits of Winamp playlists! (+song-length support)
    * Put sub-songs on your playlists! (not just that annoying default-song)
    * Build interesting community SID listening stats published at

    Download the plugin from:

    Powered by the ACID64 core:

  • Breakpoint 2009 about to start!


    demoparty in the making!
    demoparty in the making!

    In little more than 12 hours everyone’s favourite -PURE DEMOSCENE- (no gaming fuckers) party is about to commence.


    After a bad start generated by the global crisis, sceners worldwide have helped the party to be a reality and it might be, as they say, its finest hour! Corporate twats, take notice!

    We’ll be looking forward to the oldschool competitions: usually the best Amiga demo of the year is released at Breakpoint (probably by TBL), so it’s going to be a busy weekend.

    Those lucky party-goers attending the venue are in for a good weather treat: the forecast looks promising, so you will have the chance to spend good time outside of the place and your screens. Remember, this party doesn’t accept remote entries, so if you want to be part of the competitions, your only choice is to go to the party!

    For us who can’t go, it seems this year, despite the economic problems, we’ll get the stream again. Yipee!

    Schedule, Compo rules and more? Head over to the official site of Breakpoint 2009.