[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/ShFgu8mTAyc" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Im impressed.
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/ShFgu8mTAyc" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Im impressed.
C64 Datasette – you remember it. The Datasette embodies Commodore cheapskatery from start to finish: it was a cheapo alternative to a proper disk drive, it’s got a crudely thrown-together connector with wires hanging out and it’s even got a skinflint mono drive head apparatus. All expenses spared, so that Jack could keep the costs down!
dsc00308So it turns out they last pretty well. And in this age of 1541 emulators, MMC64 interfaces and the like, it’s sad to see a Datasette sitting unused and unloved. So I decided to lavish about four quid on mine and turn it into a block-rocking pimp star supreme with:
* an internal speaker
* internal 9v battery power
* an external in (for when I eventually get the recording head to work)
* a line/headphone output
* a switch/knob for power and drive motor speed control (though this doesn’t really work yet)
* an unfeasible amount of mystery line noise, which I’m going to pretend is intentional and adds ‘character’.
via syphus» Blog Archive » Ghettosette – C64 Datasette/audioplayer conversion.
“Brilliant Pixelartists don’t fall from trees. But there are people who know just how to place the right colors on the right places. Sven Ruthner is such a man. The demoscener known under the alias Ptoing just got the right feel for colors and for intense shapes and proportions. The illustrator works with different media, but is also very enthusiastic about vintage homecomputers, like using C64, Amiga or Spectrum ZX”
This is a very cool tool for the Commodore 64! Enthusi of demogroup Onslaught brings this gem to your C64, in 2009, which some might think is a bit late, but I think is appropriate.
You can make some simple tunes and record (master, as the soft says :D) the output straight to tape on the datassette! I think there’s a bunch of tricks you could pull with this one using fast notes.
Who’s up for the first tape release entirely made with this? My hat is off for whoever wants to do that… You wanted limitations? Have a suck on this one.
Get it here
Vandalism News, the longest standing diskmag in the Universe, has just seen its number 50 release, the Gold Edition…
Loaded full of C64 news as usual and featuring music by many of your favourites like Psycho, Jammer, A-Man, Conrad, Drax, Linus and others, plus cool graphics and text provided by the Wrath Design and Onslaught crews, this is the mandatory weekend read for anybody interested in the C64 demoscene. If you are a n00b, you can get a whiff of what has happened for the past ~20 years by reading the Prefaces, and jump straight into the current day and don’t feel left out again :P
Like if 4 disk sides full of news wasn’t enough, the crew has added two bonus “Golden Goodie Bag” disks, where you can find previously unreleased SID music and other stuff!