Category: Platforms

  • AS3 VGM Player v1.12 by Shiru appeared

    VGM files player with SN76489 sound chip emulation for Flash Player 10. Allows to play music from Sega Master System and some other 8-bit systems in the Flash applications. The archive includes source code, usage example, and english ‘readme’.

    via Shiru’s Stuff.

  • TCTD micronews for 2009-12-30

  • Seno DS Sequencer v0.9

    This one came out of nowhere for me (did anybody try it?), and I haven’t tested it yet, but it looks like a free clone of Korg DS-10, judging by the features list:

    * 8 Tracks , 8 Clips per track, approx. 16 Slots (Pattern)
    * Track audio from WAVE samples or Microphone
    * Track settings: Sample, Polyphone/Monophone/Trigger mode, ADSR envelope, LFO
    * Transpose +/- 36 semitones (3 Octaves)
    * max. 16 Voices
    * Clip records 12 notes per step with velocity
    * Choose different musical scales i.e Seno scale (A3-E5 Major),
    Ionic (C4), Chromatic (C4), Major pentatonic (C4), Minor pentatonic (C4), Arabic (C4)
    * Clip settings: lenght 1-16 steps, speed
    * KAOS pads
    * Live recording and arranging via Stylus
    * BPM 40-240 and Swing
    * Mixer with Distortion
    * Loads WAVE files
    * Loading/Saving of snapshots
    * “Memory saving” sample managment

    You can get more info, the download and sample packs at the official page

  • PortaMod for Processing

    via PortaMod for Processing

    So as I gruffly explain in the video, thanks to my extremely sore throat, I’m showing off the most recent additions to my PortaMod library for Processing. Prolific genius and Up Rough group-mate goto80 asked for a few things which I hadn’t thought of, as well as a few things that I had, and I decided to get as many in as I could this weekend.

    Now there’s on-the-fly loop start/end adjustment, individual channel muting, channel volume override, custom effect injection (only for a few ProTracker effects right now – more to come), per-channel transposition (new – previously it was all chans or none), sample dump from the currently-loaded MOD to disk, on-the-fly sample replacement (and restoration of the original)…and maybe more I’ve forgotten :)

    Now I’ve got the laborious task of putting this all into ChipdiscoDJ, which is due a MASSIVE update and overhaul so I can start showing it to people again without being embarrassed.

    Meanwhile, version 0.1 of PortaMod is available so give it a try next time you need to soundtrack your Processing sketches with lightweight, sample-based music and accurately sync your visuals to any and every note, row, pattern, effect, parameter, pan-position, etc. –