Category: Sega Master System

  • little-scale: PCM Support Added to Sega Mega Drive / Genesis MIDI Interface

    [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    Sample playback of some sort seems to be a popular request for the Mega Drive stuff, and some people have said that it requires something, if only some basic drum sounds. So, I have added basic support for PCM sample playback – specifically percussive and drum sounds – for my Sega Mega Drive MIDI Interface.Currently, the mapping is as follows. MIDI channel 6 can be put into a “DAC Mode”, after which the following notes that wrap around every two octaves will trigger the following samples:01. C-1 – kick 102. C#1 – snare 103. D-1 – hat closed 104. D#1 – hat open 105. E-1 – tom low 106. F-1 – tom hi 107. F#1 – cow bell08. G-1 – kick 209. G#1 – snare 210. A-1 – hat closed 211. A#1 – hat open 112. B-1 – tom low 113. C-2 – tom hi 114. C#2 – ride 115. D-2 – crash16. D#2 – kick 317. E-2 – snare 318. F-2 – ride 2A note-on will trigger sample playback. A note-off will stop sample playback. Furthermore, using MIDI CC changes the sample playback speed / pitch.

    via little-scale: PCM Support Added to Sega Mega Drive / Genesis MIDI Interface.

  • Little-Scale Sega Midi Updates


    I thought I would mention that my Sega Mega Drive / Genesis MIDI interface is now compatible with the Sega Nomad. Demo video here. As I often say with these sorts of updates, join the Gen/MDM Google Announcements Group to be notified of when this device will be available.


    Finally, I’ve had a chance to add support for the SN76489 PSG chip in the Sega Mega Drive for my MIDI interface. The thing I love about the Mega Drive is the FM sound (which is why I’ve been concentrating on that), but of course everyone wants access to the PSG as well. The SN76489 support is basically a port from my Sega Master System MIDI interface, and includes many (but not all) of the latter’s functions and features.

  • Tmee Audio Sega 16-bit Audio Mod in Pictures and Sound Clips

    tmeeMD2 CCAM 1.0 ->
    MD2 stock -> … F4_MD2.ogg
    no TMSS MD1 (HiDef) -> … F4_MD1.ogg


  • Midi Interface for the Sega Game Gear

    game-gearLittle-Scale’s midi interface for the Sega Master System, now supports the Game Gear. For more information on the prohject:

    You can find out more information about it here: … r%20system

    I have also created a google announcement group:

    “This is an announcement group for the Sega Master System MIDI interface project by little-scale. Please be patient as the release date is not yet set for the SMSM. By joining this group, you will be one of the first people to be notified when this item will be available.”
    join here:

    And how does it sound?

