[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/OhEheftzVVw" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Sample playback of some sort seems to be a popular request for the Mega Drive stuff, and some people have said that it requires something, if only some basic drum sounds. So, I have added basic support for PCM sample playback – specifically percussive and drum sounds – for my Sega Mega Drive MIDI Interface.Currently, the mapping is as follows. MIDI channel 6 can be put into a “DAC Mode”, after which the following notes that wrap around every two octaves will trigger the following samples:01. C-1 – kick 102. C#1 – snare 103. D-1 – hat closed 104. D#1 – hat open 105. E-1 – tom low 106. F-1 – tom hi 107. F#1 – cow bell08. G-1 – kick 209. G#1 – snare 210. A-1 – hat closed 211. A#1 – hat open 112. B-1 – tom low 113. C-2 – tom hi 114. C#2 – ride 115. D-2 – crash16. D#2 – kick 317. E-2 – snare 318. F-2 – ride 2A note-on will trigger sample playback. A note-off will stop sample playback. Furthermore, using MIDI CC changes the sample playback speed / pitch.
via little-scale: PCM Support Added to Sega Mega Drive / Genesis MIDI Interface.