Category: Site News

  • Announcing the 2008 TCTD Awards

    Handcarfted using only the finest child labor.
    Handcrafted using only the finest child labor.

    As 2008 comes to a close, the staff at TCTD takes time to take stock and acknowledge the best and brightest achievers in the International Chip Community. TCTD is pleased to announce that we are accepting nominations for the following Categories.

    Please email all one paragraph or less nominations to:

  • Live blogging?


    Hey it can happen…..

  • TCTD Secret Weapon

    Chip Verdadeiro até a Morte!
    Chip Verdadeiro até a Morte!

    TCTD loves Google Reader. To stay up to date on tons of disparate mailing lists, blogs and forums online, it is an invaluable tool to monitor the latest developments in the chipscene. The other day, they added the ability to translate blogs on the fly, which allowed me to check out the new Portuguese language blog “Ecos Fantasmas”

    Google Translated Link:

    Kurt, the blog author, just yesterday covered his take on an intro to making chip music. While the topic is hardly new, it is unique what language it is written in, and is a good resource for those who speak it natively. Can anyone suggest other non-english blogs TCTD should keep tabs on?

  • From the Editor: Call for Political Chiptunes

    In honor of the clusterfuck that is the U.S. election process, I’d like to showcase political minded chip tracks on Tuesday November 4, 2008. If you would like to be included please submit a link to your track via our contact forum:

    Its like a Mario at a MOVEON.ORG Party.
    Its like a Mario at a MOVEON.ORG Party.

    Contact Us

    Thanks and be sure to Vote, if you are able.