1tracker a multplatform chiptune cross-tracker, a ‘multitracker’ for short.
Primary goal of the project is to provide an easy way to use many 1-bit music engines for ZX Spectrum with an universal user interface, and to simplify adding support for new engines.
Secondary goal is to make a proof of concept for ‘one interface – multiple platforms – multiple sound engines’ tracker design. This is achieved by using a combination of SDL-based multiplatform front end that needs to be recompiled for every platform with platform independent music engine modules that contain the engines itself with all needed extra code to make them work with the editor.
Capabilities of the multitracker aren’t limited to the 1-bit music. It is possible to add support for almost any format supported by Game_Music_Emu through writing new external engine modules.
Tag: 1-bit music
1tracker appeared
Beepola updated to 1.06
Beepola, a Windows cross-tracker with multiple 1-bit sound engines from ZX Spectrum, has been updated to v1.06. This time there are just few fixes, however some more sound functionality was added too.
Download Beepola v1.06 (825K)
– Fixed compatibility with WINE (caused by differences between the way WINE handles waveOut API compared to Windows). This was inadvertently broken in versions 1.03.00 – v1.05.03.
– Improved sound reproduction and timing.
– Added ROMBeep engine as a compile-time only option (see the Beeper Engine dropdown list in the Compile dialog). This is a compact, pseudo 2 channel engine using arpeggios and the BEEP routine from the Spectrum ROM. It will therefore work correctly on 16K Spectrums or in low, contended, memory on other models.via 1-bit music news –.
TCTD Links for 2010-08-11
- REBOOT – Videos with I, Cactus and IAYD http://ow.ly/2nw4T #
- ZX Spectrum 1-bit music compo at Chaos Constructions – #
- Pheremone OVERDOSAGE – chibi-tech #
- RT @8bitsf: #chipmusic live in SF @dnalounge 8.29.10: @anamanaguchi @minusbaby mr. spastic & @crashfaster. tickets: http://j.mp/cSO9Dp #
- “T.U.R.T.L.E. Power” by Klopfenpop, http://ow.ly/2nC4M #
- BBC Interview with Henry Homesweet’s label, Antigen http://ow.ly/2nDT0 #
- “Emily Chiptune’s Birthday – Knife City” on Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/12427984 #
- RT @pulsewave: @JVB talks about @Pulsewave on the latest episode of @TheBadDudes (halfway) #dmg21 #
- Dolphin Backflip – µB http://ow.ly/2nKSX #
- Scott Pilgrim game releases for Not DS today http://ow.ly/2nL4u #
TCTD Links for 2010-06-26
- A Handy guide to current netlabels for chip music stufffs: http://ow.ly/238hL #
- Mister Beep – two new songs ://ow.ly/238k0 #
- MilkyTracker released on Pandora http://ow.ly/2394C #
- Bruce Sterling’s Musica Globalista: 1-bit music #
- UGH. Death to Novelty Chip. RT @josephaleo: CHIPTUNE covers on this week’s SOLIPSISTIC NATION! Download at #
- Pocket Device Mini Notebooks DMG http://ow.ly/23eln #
- CHIPFLIP : Midsummer Haze http://ow.ly/23isJ #
1-bit Music on the Atari XL/XE
And let beep sort it out. In a followup to our previous post, got the following tip from b00Daw:
Pwners of the “A8b” — Atari 8-bit — scene, XXL and other Poles, have made demonstation of the GTIA’s abilities to play music from its normal ‘clicky’ nature. By porting over some Z80 ZX Spectrum routines, the team was able to create a music disk cheekily named “Beep’em All” for the A8b which utilizes the POKEY and GTIA sound chips while still managing display through the ANTIC chip. GTIA “clicker” sounds almost exactly like Speccy’s beeper with this late innovation.