Tag: Battle Of The Bits

  • BotB Winter Chip V

    Battle of the Bits is proud to announce it’s fifth annual multi-format chiptune competition. Entry submissions are open for the whole month of February. With over three weeks to go and plenty of formats to choose from, you have no reason not to get off yer duff and dish out something sweet!

    BotB :: Winter Chip V <– g0g0g00 :D

    Download the NES ROM file here
    miau – code; ui – grafx; baron knoxburry – music; puke7 – title screen;

    BotB’s battle interface has been reorganized to (hopefully) make navigation easier. The forum engine has also been expanded so BotBrs may communicate more readily. Login and get battling!

  • Bad Snake Hair Day and Medusa VSTi appeared

    Bad Snake Hair Dayy.jpgµB created a fancy square wave VSTi called Medusa. BotB then hosted a competition where BotBrs were only allowed to use that as a sound source in their favorite software. The use of effects were encouraged but sampling was discouraged.

    There are 10 entries.
    Check them out and vote to help decide the winner.

    Two days ago Medusa got reskinned by iLKke. Read more here

  • Winter Chip IV Voting is now on

    winter-chip-iv_coverBOTB has opened voting for WINTER CHIP IV. A staggering amount of tracks are available in native and mp3 rendered formats for your to pick and choose over. Way too many to list here so get over there and start listening!

  • Battle of the Bits proud to present Winter Chip IV

    winter-chip-iv_coverBattle of the Bits proud to present Winter Chip IV
    BotB and it’s resident BotBrs invites any and all to participate, listen and/or vote in BotB’s fourth annual Winter Chip competition.  As always, this year’s compo has added even more chiptune formats totalling at a balmy sixteen.  That’s right!!  16 different ways to share yer skillz in chip.  Each participant can submit an entry to each category if their heart so desires.
    Submission Deadline :: March 9th
    Voting will follow for ten days.
    Categories this year are :: heart-magic, brain-tech, bleep-squeeze, deep-tweak & oh-noes-my-pants!
    Results will be posted March 20.
    This is the first competition to be hosted by BotB’s new engine.  Over six months ago a great effort was initiated by lead developer puke7 to give BotB an actual framework to stand on.  This has successfully brought about reducing database call redundancies, decreasing load times, and making BotB not a complete pain in the ass to update.  All code was started from scratch again.  Old site features are still springing up.
    All n00bz!! =D/
    [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/LSVvbpi4y7Y" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
  • Castle Tacoskull liverip

    Castle raves are teh best
    Castle raves are teh best

    BattleoftheBits Regulars posted the entire line up of a show at Castle Tacoskull on Saturday, September 13th 2008.  Check out more here: