via The C-men..
Tag: Blip Festival Europe
My second day at Blip Europe by glomag
I don’t remember. Must have had a good time.
Cheap Dinosaurs: exceptional. Most of the other artists were right up front listening, loving and trading amazed expressions. Dino’s rhythms and melodies are so memorable. He’s really a fine composer and his performances are solid. This was no exception. Master.
La Belle Indifference: these guys put on a great show. The tracks are quite varied in style and they just have so much fun. It was a great treat to see them live. There was a good deal of on-the-fly tech going on and they pulled it all off seemingly without a hitch. A really fun set.
Saskrotch: Nigel was already fantastic at Blip 07, but I really think his compositional skills have advanced quite a bit since that time. The melodies are irresistible as always, but the harmonies and chord changes are deeper and more evocative. His set was really great.
Receptors: Jeremy performed a great set with Raquel Meyers on stage with him. Mostly his bad-ass DS10 jams with a handful of LSDJ tracks, this was a powerful performance. I was lucky to again sing “Disconnected” with him, better this time, I think and with Jeremy on vocoder and Raquel on the choruses with me!
Random: Tight as fuck, William”s bass lines and drums are enough on their own to get you dancing. But the brilliant melodic sense just compels you harder. At one point I predicted the future by calling for Spontaneous Devotion just as the first note rang out. Also, 2 Channel compo FTW! That track is excellent. (more…)
My first day at Blip Europe by glomag
My spider-sense is tingling… Aalborg, DK 072309
Chip musicians were arriving all day on Friday like flies attracted to shit. Luckily there was a very large spider present to capture us all (see picture)
Sweden is well represented here amongst performers and attendees. Jonas from Microdisko (the best drinking partner ever,) had helped promote the event. He found us at the hostel in the early afternoon and we headed over to the venue for sound checks. Another nice surprise: Divag, who I had met years ago at a show in Paris made it up here as well with his girlfriend. Psilodump showed up during sound check as did Covox.
its over already
too tired to write about anything really, but before i go to sleep ive got videos and pictures uploading at and
ive got to be up in 3 hours to catch a cab to catch a train to Copenhagen.
hope you guys enjoyed the stream (if you caught it)
there was loads of video being shot so there should be plenty of material to beat off too at some point
remind me to tell you about the girl i stole cigarettes from
p.s. hally is an earthquake
Holy Fuck, Boys, it’s Blip Festival Europe! (a post from Saskrotch)
its about 11 am, everyones either sleeping or wishing they were still asleep.
i can’t think of anything to write about last night that doesnt sound corny as shit. “oh man we all got raped by those laser monkeys from congo except the laser monkeys from congo were actually music”
i wanted to do a live blog / live upload kind of thing, but the venue was using one wireless connection for the visuals and for anyone involved in the fest with a laptop, all over a mobile G3 connection. i couldn’t even get one picture to upload here so i gave up.
much different crowd than the American Blip Fests. I got the feeling a lot of them just came because it was a show rather than because they were fans or had any inclination towards chip music. but despite that they all seemed to have a really good time.
here’s a story: (more…)