Tag: Buskerdroid

  • BUSKERDROID BACK IN TOWN ep [CDr]? out now !

    BUSKERDROID new CD release
    Promo-video Ep samples :

    Info : buskerdroid.altervista.org/news.html

    This is Dance/Chiptune Ep , I’m still working on the research of a new 8bit/micromusic sound, trying to mix it up with more modern kind of compositions, presenting more variety in the employment of several instruments and less of game console’s typical sonorities . there are also 2 folders inside the CD with mp3files ‘Stains Of Microblood‘ (micromusic album) and 3 bonus tracks with 1Gameboy running LSDJ (chiptune). i hope you like it !

    If you want a copy just send me a mail at bkdd(at)hotmail(dot)it with your shipping info and paypal payment.

    best regards from Rome !


  • Buskerdroid – Mnemonic Backup

    bkddSummer is here, and in my opinion sometimes there’s nothing like a high-octane, high-NRG fist pumping soundtrack to get you going, and Italy’s Buskerdroid (or BKDD to his mates) certainly provides that! The feet-blisteringly forceful LSDJ dance chaos mastery is not to be dismissed, as storming opener “Stregatto” demonstrates!

    via CalmDownKidder Records

  • 8BIT to the Floor out on Kittenrock

    kr027The term compilation has been diluted in the past months, but this is one powerhouse lineup.

    Jellica writes:

    12 tracks of mainly chipstyle four to the floor techno and house jack trax from Monobyte Steve Pinus Mugo Tom Woxom Pocketmaster J8b!t Ultraelectronis Stàrpause Josstintimberlake and Jellica Dr. Von Pnok Buskerdroid Natsanugogo compiled by Tom Woxom with art by Stereotype

    Grab it.