Kiss the Dolphin is the third album of the Lyon-based Eat Rabbit; atypical one, cut into fourteen tracks that finally merge into one unique sound piece. A mish-mash of beats and rythmic madness, lined up with humor and brilliance by a mad rabbit determined to boost our auditive adrenalin.
The album cover is silkscreened and paw-made in a limited numbered edition by the rabbit himself, in different versions, including a phosphorescent one !
Tag: eat rabbit
Eat Rabbit – Kiss The Dolphin
Halloween is for children.
Sorry kids, those costumes SUCK. As the summer gives way to the depths of fall, us Americans celebrate the best way we know how.
The delightful egress of excessive capitlistic self induglance!
So while are busy working on your “sexy princess peach costume” here are some tasty 8bit halloween tracks from our friends at 8bc.
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