There is a modification to an original Game Boy that involves replacing the internal crystal oscillator with one of a different value, documented by the genius Gieskes. Often, a value of 2MHz is used to replace the default value of 4.194304 MHz because 2MHz crystals are easy to find in shops and on the internet, or at least thats what I do.However, this creates a problem, in the sense that the crystal oscillator is responsible for controlling all timing aspects of the Game Boy including the frequency pitches of the pulse oscillators.
Tag: Little-Scale
Retuning an Underclocked Game Boy
little-scale – Dynasty
Continuously mocking your prolonged chip procrastination, comes another thrilling audio nugget from the esteemed Pause label.
little-scale’s ‘Dynasty’ combines the minimal with the progressive, exploring the use of sonic morphologies, complex textures and hypnotic timbres. Recorded from a Sega Master System and a NES.
via Pause.
Little-Scale Sega Midi Updates
I thought I would mention that my Sega Mega Drive / Genesis MIDI interface is now compatible with the Sega Nomad. Demo video here. As I often say with these sorts of updates, join the Gen/MDM Google Announcements Group to be notified of when this device will be available.
Finally, I’ve had a chance to add support for the SN76489 PSG chip in the Sega Mega Drive for my MIDI interface. The thing I love about the Mega Drive is the FM sound (which is why I’ve been concentrating on that), but of course everyone wants access to the PSG as well. The SN76489 support is basically a port from my Sega Master System MIDI interface, and includes many (but not all) of the latter’s functions and features.
Odds and Ends from Twitter 2009-06-21
- Mini-Roc feat. La Goutte RT @daheardit Hey ! Check this Bonus Track : #
- Yatagarasu Live Video #
- Timbaland lawsuit update #
- TinyCart on a funnier chiptheft #
- Atari 26k Midiface update: #
- Fake 8Bit Movie Tie-ins. Mostly Entertaining. #
- ChipTheft Coverage #
- ARPS and Bass #
- Uk Heavy Chip Scene Outsider overview. #
- Help The Chiptune Alliance #
- BBGadgets on The Timbaland Trial. #
- Dutycycle III Sampler #