Tag: Pulsewave

  • Pulsewave 3rd Birthday Party Vids

    [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/DwGN6H04A2c" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    gwEm & Counter Reset – Prowler (Iron Maiden cover)

    Nullsleep – Untitled Track “Release”

    Tony Ness – Open Mic Performance


  • PULSEWAVE 10.25.08 Rom Flier

    Show info

    The new ROM flier from NO CARRIER and featuring a hilarious Halloween medley by Baron Knoxburry is online for this months Pulsewave show. This months show is a special mash up of chip stars and famous rock band, and should be a good opportunity to indoctrinate the unsuspecting neophyte in your midst.

    Darkness falls across the land. The midnight hour is close at hand. Creatures crawl in search of blood, to terrorize your neighborhood. And whosoever shall be found, without the soul for getting down, must stand and face the hounds of hell, and rot inside a corpse’s shell…

    2 Player Productions is proud to host a very special Halloween Pulsewave! Bust out your costume one week early and come party with us at AlphaBeta as esteemed members of the New York chiptune crew perform as other bands! That’s right. All covers, all night long. For one night only, the raw power of the Nintendo Entertainment System and Nintendo Game Boy will be harnessed to summon the spirits of Ian Curtis, Glenn Danzig, David Gahan, and Rivers Cuomo! Ok, so only one of those guys is actually dead but if the others were, their ghosts would be there too. Throw in live, Halloween-themed visuals, a costume contest, some killer raffle prizes, and a VERY special MYSTERY PERFORMER and you’ve got a Saturday seance that can’t be missed!

    Anamanaguchi as WEEZER
    Glomag as JOY DVISION
    Nullsleep as DEPECHE MODE
    Bit Shifter as THE MISFITS
    ++FULL SET by MyStErY PeRfOrMeR++

    Live Visuals: NO CARRIER + VBLANK

    – Costume Contest (w. prizes)
    – Hardware Raffle: Enter to win a Commodore64 or ProSound-modified, Glow-In-Dark Game Boy w. backlit screen…!