Tag: randall

  • High Voltage SID Collection Update #50!

    hvsc1Great news, SID music fans!
    Our favourite collection, the HVSC, is back with its fiftieth update! Quite a landmark.

    For years this dedicated group of SID music historians have gathered, fixed and adventured to get all the C64 music ever made, for our enjoyment. Some of the highlights of this release?  Around 678 new SIDs, 59 fixed/better rips, 573 PlaySID/Sidplay1 specific SIDs eliminated and more, catering for a grand total of 36,000 SID files (each of which could include more than one song. yay!!).

    The emphasis as I said is in getting ALL of it so the output is usually of mixed qualities, but you can rest assured there’s a lot of cool NEW music to hear, without the pain of crawling through pages of garbage and uncontrolled P commands on LSDJ.

    Are you new to the HVSC? I recommend you give a listen to the folders of the following artists: Fanta, Ed, Linus, Randall, Drax, Jeroen Tel and Thomas Danko, to name but a VERY FEW of what’s available.

    The rest of the official release information follows:
    (via C64.sk)


  • Chipstar Heroes unite

    product-shredz64With all the hype around Guitar Hero and Rockband (following the successful trail of the “DDR-type” games), the oldschool machines feel kind of left out of the loop.

    Fear ye not, my fellow oldschooler, for beautiful minds in the Amiga and C64 scene bring us software to enjoy ripping it on our old machines, with class.

    What’s  so cool about this? These programmers are using chipmusic we love or getting our favourites composer to make music, in original format, for these games. Some of them are opening up for submissions so you should pay attention, if you compose in any of these platforms.

    Tracker Hero, for the classic Amiga range of computers and as of yet unreleased, shown here playing tracks from Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 and some demo productions.

    [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/isXC8IyKYFA" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

    Shredz64, for the C64, with a tune fromone of my faves, Randall: Ex-State of Mind. This one even interfaces with the original GH controller and is already available. You can even add your fave SIDs to the software!

    [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/52gcC3Sn-Gw" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

  • C64.sk’s Last Compo is OVER!

    Source: C64.sk

    This ain't no bleep bleep shit...
    This ain't no bleep blip shit.

    Here be the results and download packs:

    1. Eskimonika by Stellan Andersson (Dane) (03:47) (852 PT)
    2. Intrinsic by Conrad/Viruz/Samar/Onslaught (Owen Crowley) (3:58) (850.5 PT)
    3. A Liquor Store Anthem by Randall (4:09) (787.5 PT)
    4. Love Land by Steven Diemer (A-Man/Xenon) (2:35) (781 PT)
    5. Two Minute Jam by Josep Barwick (Stainless Steel) (2:00) (675 PT)
    6. Stay Chill by Marcin Majdzik (PSycHo) (3:23) (641 PT)
    7. Rocco Siffredi Invades 1541-II by Kamil Wolnikowski (Jammer) (2:58) (638 PT)
    8. Stretch Marks by Hein Holt (Hein/Vision) (3:57) (627 PT)
    9. Christ 69 Electroclash Deluxe by Arman Behdad (Intensity) (3:30) (615 PT)
    10. Wander Fool by Vincent Merken (_V_) (6:24) (563 PT)
    11. Johnny Rocket by Uneksija (Antti Pitkämäki) (3:46) (534 PT)
    12. Back to Planet:dATA by LordNikon/Dekadence (3:25) (513 PT)
    13. fuckyou.progressivedata.fuckme by Sascha Zeidler (Linus) (2:46) (508 PT)
    14. Pixel Hell Level 9 by H?kon Repstad (Archmage of Instinct) (3:04) (498 PT)
    15. Drunken Ninja Dance by Rambones (4:54) (454 PT)
    16. See You Later Oscilator by Kristian Myklebust (kribust) (2:21) (451.5 PT)
    17. Elegy by Peter Bergstrand (1:24) (392 PT)
    18. Levitation by Henne / The Dreams (2:15) (385 PT)
    19. Disco Dream by Richard Bayliss (3:54) (380 PT)
    20. Mustelid by Hukka/Dekadence (2:34) (359.5 PT)
    21. Ninja Life by G-Fellow / CiViTaS (Gerhard Flagge) (2:48) (353 PT)
    22. Upgrade by Dennis Hildingsson (Rusty46) (2:00) (286 PT)

  • The X’2008 demoparty: All releases online!

    Booze Design raises the bar for tech achievement on a C64 demo.

    So, another X party has finished! This milestone of the C64 scene has delivered some of the best productions of the last years, as always. Let’s have some of the official blurb:

    “13 years of X parties, 10 years at the farm, the 9th X in total and still going strong. Who would’ve thought.

    The biannual c64-only event in rural Netherlands has been one of its kind in 8-bit partyland. Not only do you get brilliant demo/graphics/music competitions, but you also get a nice bed, hot showers, proper food, breakfast and all the beer, soft drinks, tea and coffee you can drink.
    For the competitions and performances you can count on a high quality big screen and audio equipment to keep the cows awake.”

    The stream of releases is BIG, as always the C64 scene proves to be one of the most productive in the demoscene, and the quality bar is usually quite high. This party has seen the release of the tech-groundbreaking demo “Edge of Disgrace” by Booze Design, which has raised the bar for C64 demo tech quality very, very high. I can’t wait for X’2010 when this demo should be surpassed by a new one :)

    Other personal favourites are Pearls for Pigs from Xenon, and My Beauty from Fairlight (featuring music by mr. Goto80)

    On the music side, I can recommend to give a listen to the tunes by Randall and Fanta.

    All the info comes thanks to the Commodore Scene Database!
    Here are the final listings with CSDb rankings and links to vote/comment/download the prods: