- RT: @8bitpeoples: • Blip Festival Tokyo 2010 completes lineup with the addition of 8GB, GOTO80 & RAQUEL MEYERS • #
- nes theremin with uforce controller! http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/1664/nes-theremin-with-uforce-controller/ #
- Wondrous new Bit Shifter page: http://bit.shifter.net/ #
- What is one bit music? http://shiru.untergrund.net/1bit/pivot/entry.php?id=6http://shiru.untergrund.net/1bit/pivot/entry.php?id=6 #
- Miracles of Chiptune: Kris Keyser rocks a teen girl’s party http://www.bltidm.com/2010/06/video-kris-keyser-at-emily-chiptunes.html #
- Shadow of the 16-bit Beast: an Amiga gaming retrospective http://bit.ly/auv0jN #
- NYC CHIP Freaks Step up! RT @TheTankNYC: Donate today. We run showss 365 days a year! Help us keep it that way! #
- RT: @Nullsleep: RowCapist posted some videos from the NYC CDT show. I talk a bunch of shit and perform http://bit.ly/9r56an #
- RT: @Nullsleep: Another vid feat. Tel Aviv Erotic & Wave Function Collapse with George of @starscreamNY playing drums • http://bit.ly/d57gfD #
- CalmDownKidder “The Chipmusic Hour” on KCC Live! http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=125101517526934 #
- Handheld Hero (with full band, ) http://8bc.org/music/Wizwars/Handheld+Hero+(with+full+band%2C+demo+version+++rough+mix)/ #
- Games Inspired By Music: A game development competition with Safari Books Online http://bit.ly/bNzFzU #
Tag: shiru
TCTD Links for 2010-06-15
Beepola 1.03.00 released
A new version is now available:
The main new things in v1.03 are:-
* Full support for Shiru’s awesome Phaser1 beeper engine (with either digital sampled drums, or synthesised drums), full 5 octave range with no detuning issues, up to 100 configurable instruments, etc.* Song data and player routines are now fully split from one another to allow a single copy of the player routine to easily support multiple songs (see the online help via the Help menu) in games.
* Tied-in with the above, there are various “Save Song Data only…” options available in Compile Song dialog.
* New Phaser1 demo song, and an excellent SpecialFX demo song by 4mat (insane use of sustain messages to control the sound volume – have a listen).
* Cleaned up the user interface and added a toolbar.
* Bugs fixed, some minor feature requests added, blah blah.
As always – please let me know if it’s broken in any way. smile
Copied from a 8bc forum post by ccowley
“Today” Sega Megadrive/Genesis EP on a Cartridge
As you can tell, there are still a fair few bugs to be sorted out, but it gives you some idea. Currently, we have playback issues (again) on the actual hardware and so this is a video capture from Fusion emulator. hmm
Credits (yeah I kind of skipped over them a bit in the video):
music & art: Nathan Stanley (me)
code: Alex Cichowski
player code: Shiru & Alone Coder
Beepola hits v.1.01
A new version of Beepoa, v1.01, is now available for download from:
http://freestuff.grok.co.uk/beepola/Bee … .01.00.zipNew things include:-
* Added a new tone generation engine, based on The Music Studio, by MS-CID. This is a two-channel, sawtooth-wave engine with 12 in-built percussion sounds. Beepola’s implementation is pattern based and, like my modified Music Box player routine, produces substantially smaller code than the original Spectrum utility.
* Added the ability to output assembler listings in addition to TAP files and BINary data files.
* Notes and percussion effects now sound, using the currently selected beeper engine, as they’re entered.
* Added a bunch of keyboard shortcuts (F4 – Play Pattern, F5 – Play Song, F8 -Stop, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, etc. etc).
* Added Edit->Undo, Edit->Copy and Edit->Paste.
* Added Transpose Song… option to Tools menu
* Added Song Information… option to Tools menu
* Added online help to the Help menu, which includes documentation for the *.bbsong file format amongst other things.I’ve also attempted to fix all the reported bugs (and a few unreported ones) including the delay switching between patterns on some PCs, and the crackling/stuttering playback issues that a couple of people experienced. Please let me know if there are any issues remaining.
Thanks to everyone who made suggestions and bug reports for the v1.00 release.
Check out this demo from Shiru:
Via 8bc.org
TCTD Twitter Posts for 2010-02-02
- Brilliant remix by glomag – Always really dug his laptop based work. Grab “The Axis And The Alloy” if you don’… ? http://blip.fm/~k77ta #
- Oxygenstar’s “Thy Name is Adventure” is now free: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/571/thy-name-is-adventure-is-now-free/ #
- Actionscript3 VGM Player updated to v1.14: http://shiru.untergrund.net/code.shtml #
- NRTDRV SHARP X1OPM+PSG appeared: http://nrtdrv.sakura.ne.jp/index.cgi #
- Chiptronic: a new chip night in sheffield: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/36/uk-sheffield-030210-chiptronic/ #
- Rosa posts some more Blip Festival Videos: http://rosa-menkman.blogspot.com/2010/02/some-more-registration-of-blip-festival.html #