Best Live Visuals IV

All the way from my “madre Patria”, Spain, this crew which started as a  duo is now a one man force, much alike The C-men, but still packs a punch: even if one would suppose that two factors on their own wouldn’t sum up as much, it seems these guys are working independently in an even greater energy.

A set by this guy contains a shit load of graphic content, all computer visual data, that is tinted by “glitches, ROM hacking, trash culture, machinima, visual algorithms, cyberpunk and random scripting”, all run by proprietary VJ software and, recently, triggered from his wireless device while he is rioting on stage or anywhere else. Oh yeah, he likes to perform in the truest sense of the word, many times doing life-defying stunts (he once almost dies in front of my eyes when performing together in Barcelona, when he missed teh border of a table he jumped on)

Playing around Europe in a myriad of festivals and club venues, but always closely tied in to chip musicians, the collaborations with Goto80 and Meneo are the most notorious, the latter one being the focus of Raul’s current interests and one of his most interesting projects.

I also cannot leave this text without mention of his former “partner in crime”, Raquel Meyers, since a lot of the work in the early days, like Goto80’s first AV presentations, were done with her in the team too, and as I said, she’s packing up some amazing visuals on her own as well, doing the Goto80 show now and performing solo for other musicians. This nomination is for her, too

Ladies and gentleman, please welcome:

[Santander, Spain]

BASIC - MENEO from Entter on Vimeo.

Meneo – I Know Basic

Trip to Nowhere from Entter on Vimeo.


5 responses to “Best Live Visuals IV”

  1. Don

    20 GOTO 10

  2. YES!

    Sorry but you know I have to say it…


  3. but it should be ‘custom’ VJ-software, right? atleast it’s not proprietary. or, well. depends on who you trust :)

  4. next year we’ll have enough choices to do best music video :D

  5. Yeah, Anders, god damned detail geek you are right! xD
    Go update Chipflip will ya? xD