[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/byKx8bZ5eq8" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
In reality it just gives me an excuse to post the above video.
Producer Paul Levering made special note of (I was happy to hear) one Dallas act in particular that I think fits both criteria: Paul Slocum and Lauren Gray’s Tree Wave, who list their MySpace ‘sounds like’s as: My Bloody Valentine / Stereolab / Lali Puna / M83 and Postal Service, and I can’t say it much better. Above is their video for their best track, Sleep.
2 responses to “Offworld on: Treewave”
Treewave definitely deserves more recognition. Great band and nice folks, too.
Treewave and Paul Slocum’s stuff in general is partly what got me into chipmusic. Excellent stuff that deserves more recognition for sure. Last time I was in the US i brought home 10 copies of their CD so as to spread the Good Word.