Legowelt, Amiga powered.

Legowelt goes back to basics
Legowelt goes back to basics

So, I catched this through Goto80’s amazing Chipflip, and I wanted to post it.

Well known dutch “disco nouveau” formation Legowelt are going to release a new record, entirely made with a bunch of Korg synths, a Roland 808 and an Amiga 1200 computer running Octamed. Why do this today with its limitations? Evidently, there’s something for them that they liked about it. Whatever the motivation was, this is a very nice, gloomy, electro beat (the real electro, not that whatever they call electro nowadays) album that’s going to land a special spot in my collection once acquired. It’s not as “disco-ish” as other Legowelt releases, so think more of their older, electro-oriented releases. You’ll recognize the 808 beats and surrender to their powerful dominance…

I take it that as well as the sequencing of the vintage hardware, the few non-synth samples you hear are being shot from the tracker too. Whatever the method is, it sounds cool. I can already hear the screams of “This is not cheaptoon! Where’s my squarewave!? I’m gonna cry!” and, to be honest, I couldn’t care less about your fundamentalist moaning :).

So, here’s the link where you can check out previews of this album’s 16 tracks. Available for purchase soon through Strange Life Recordings!


4 responses to “Legowelt, Amiga powered.”

  1. This is absolutely ace – they’ve even done a cover of one of Fabio Frizzi’s Fulci scores!! Amazing find!

  2. otro

    the artwork is very nice too =)

  3. legowelt is only one person. Danny Wolfers.